What does the name Samba mean? What is the meaning of the name Samba
Meaning of Samba: Name Samba in the Indian origin, means Something shinign and rising. Name Samba is of Indian origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Samba (Namesakes)
- Cherno Samba
Cherno Samba (born 10 January 1985) is a former professional footballer who played as a forward.
- Chéri Samba
Chéri Samba or Samba wa Mbimba N’zingo Nuni Masi Ndo Mbasi (born 30 December 1956) is a painter from the Democratic Republic of Congo.
- Pape Samba Ba
Pape Samba Ba (born March 1, 1982 in Saint-Louis) is a former Senegalese football midfielder.
- Christopher Samba
Veijeany Christopher Samba (born 28 March 1984), known as Christopher Samba, is a former professional footballer who plays as a defender.
- Samba Diawara
Samba Diawara (born 15 March 1978 in Paris) is a Malian football player, who currently plays for AFC Tubize in Belgium.
- Samba Sow (footballer, born 1989)
Samba Sow (born 29 April 1989) is a Malian professional footballer who plays as defensive midfielder or centre midfielder for Nottingham Forest.
- Samba Diakité
Samba Diakité (born 24 January 1989) is a French-born Malian professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for the Mali national football team.
- Ousmane Samba
Ousmane Samba (born 16 October 1988) is a football defender who currently plays for Racing Club de France Football.
- Christian Samba
Christian Samba (born 26 March 1971) is a Congolese former professional footballer who played as a goalkeeper.
- Anton Samba
Anton Samba (born April 5, 1982) is an Indonesian footballer that currently plays for PSMS Medan in the Indonesia Super League.
- Brice Samba
Brice Lauriche Samba (born 25 April 1994) is a Congolese professional footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Nottingham Forest.
- Catherine Samba-Panza
Catherine Samba-Panza (born 26 June 1956) is a Central African politician who served as interim President of the Central African Republic from 2014 to 2016.
- Moussa Samba
Moussa Samba (Arabic: موسى سامبا) is a Mauritanian footballer.
- Samba Camara
Samba Camara (born 14 November 1992) is a French professional footballer who plays as a defender for Turkish club Sivasspor.
- Issa Samba
Issa Samba (born 29 January 1998) is a professional footballer who plays as a right-back in Italy for Gozzano.
- Samba Dièye
Samba Dièye (born 11 July 1949) is a Senegalese sprinter.
- Symphorien Samba
Symphorien Samba (born 16 April 1974) is a Congolese middle-distance runner.
- Abderrahman Samba
Abderrahman Samba (born 5 September 1995) is a Qatari male athlete who specialises in the 400 metres hurdles.
- Samba Faye
Samba Faye, born April 25, 1987, is a Senegal-born Japanese professional basketball player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Samba Numerology: Name Samba has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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