What does the name Salo mean? What is the meaning of the name Salo?
Meaning of Salo: Name Salo in the Nordic origin, means He who brings luck and fortune. Name Salo is of Nordic origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Salo (Namesakes)
- Mika Salo
Mika Juhani Salo (born 30 November 1966) is a Finnish former professional racing driver.
- Tommy Salo
Tommy Mikael Salo (born February 1, 1971) is a Swedish former professional ice hockey goaltender and the current general manager of Leksands IF of the Swedish Hockey League (SHL).
- Sami Salo
Sami Sakari Salo (born 2 September 1974) is a Finnish former professional ice hockey defenceman of the National Hockey League (NHL).
- Ola Salo
Ola Salo (born Rolf Ola Anders Svensson; 19 February 1977) is the Swedish rock vocalist of the Swedish glam rock band The Ark.
- Elina Salo
Aino Elina Salo (born 9 March 1936 in Sipoo, Finland) is a Finnish film, theatre and television actress who has also done work in radio as a voice actor in children’s programming.
- Päivi Salo
Päivi Anneli Salo (born 31 January 1974) is a Finnish retired ice hockey player.
- Timo Salo
Timo Salo (born June 5, 1985) is a Finnish professional ice hockey player.
- Juha Salo
Juha Salo (born February 28, 1976) is a Finnish rally driver.
- Niklas Salo
Niklas Salo (born July 8, 1994) is a Finnish ice hockey player.
- Robin Salo
Robin Salo (born 13 October 1998) is a Finnish professional ice hockey defenceman who is currently playing with SaiPa in the Finnish Liiga.
- Vladimir Salo
Vladimir Salo (born 6 February 1974) is a retired Kyrgyzstan international football player.
- Pentti Salo
Pentti Salo (born 14 October 1941) is a Finnish wrestler.
- Anastasiia Salos
Anastasiia Salos (Russian: Анастасия Салос; born February 18, 2002 in Barnaul, Russia) is an individual rhythmic gymnast representing Belarus.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 11
Baby Name Salo Numerology: Name Salo has a number value of 11 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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