What does the name Salina mean? What is the meaning of the name Salina
Meaning of Salina: Name Salina in the Greek, Latin origin, means Goddess of the Moon; She who is from a salty place. Name Salina is of Greek, Latin origin and is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Salina (Namesakes)
- Carlos Salinas de Gortari
Carlos Salinas de Gortari (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈkaɾlos saˈlinaz ðe ɣoɾˈtaɾi]; born 3 April 1948) is a Mexican economist and politician affiliated with the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) who served as President of Mexico from 1988 to 1994.
- Ricardo Salinas Pliego
Ricardo Benjamín Salinas Pliego (born 19 October 1955) is a Mexican businessman, the founder and chairman of Grupo Salinas, a group of companies with interests in telecommunications, media, financial services, and retail stores.
He is the third richest person in Mexico and 110th richest person in the world with an estimated net worth of US$13.2 billion in February 2020.
- Julio Salinas
Julio Salinas Fernández (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈxuljo saˈlinas feɾˈnandeθ]; born 11 September 1962) is a Spanish retired footballer who played during the 1980s and 1990s.
- Jorge Salinas
Jorge Salinas (born July 27, 1968) is a Mexican television and film actor, best known for his leading roles in telenovelas.
- Nora Salinas
Nora Salinas (born Nora Alicia Ortiz Salinas on June 7, 1976 in Monterrey, México) is a Mexican actress and former model.
- Salina Kosgei
Salina Jebet Kosgei (born 16 November 1976 in Simotwo, Keiyo District) is a long distance runner from Kenya.
- Hugo Salinas Price
Hugo Salinas Price (born March 11, 1932) is a Mexican business magnate, investor, and philanthropist.
- Carmen Salinas
Carmen Salinas Lozano (born October 5, 1939) is a Mexican actress and politician associated with the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI).
- Anastasia Salina
Anastasia Salina (born (1988-12-30)30 December 1988) is a Russian female volleyball player.
- Salina Olsson
Salina Kristin Olsson (born 29 August 1978) is a Swedish former football forward who played for the Sweden women's national football team at the 2004 Summer Olympics.
- Darío Salina
- Salina Fisher
Salina Fisher (born October 6, 1993) is a New Zealand composer and violinist currently based in Wellington.
- Daymaro Salina
Daymaro Salina (born 1 September 1987) is a Portuguese handballer who plays for FC Porto and the Portugal national team.
- Salina de la Renta
Natalia Guzmán Class (born February 6, 1997) is a Puerto Rican professional wrestler and valet better known by her ring name Salina de la Renta.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 2
Baby Name Salina Numerology: Name Salina has a number value of 2 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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