What does the name Salameh mean? What is the meaning of the name Salameh?
Meaning of Salameh: Name Salameh in the Arabic origin, means A peaceful man. Name Salameh is of Arabic origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Salameh (Namesakes)
- Nadine Salameh
Nadine Salameh (Arabic: نادين سلامة, born August 9, 1980 in Damascus, Syria), sometimes credited as Nadeen Salameh, is a Palestinian actress well known in Syria where she has born, lived and worked for most of her life.
- Mohammed A. Salameh
Mohammed A. Salameh (Arabic: محمد سلامة) (born September 1, 1967 in the West Bank) is a convicted perpetrator of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.
- Khodor Salameh
Khodor Salameh (Arabic: خضر سلامة; born 4 December 1984) is a Lebanese professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for Lebanese Second Division club Racing Beirut.
- Nabil Salameh
Nabil Salameh, also known as Nabil or Nabil Bey (Tripoli, Lebanon, 1962), is a Palestinian singer, songwriter, musician, artist and journalist, founder of the world music bands Radiodervish and Al Darawish.
- Mostafa Salameh
Mostafa Salameh, (born June 25, 1970) is a Jordanian mountaineer who has completed the Seven Summits, including Mount Everest in 2008.
- George Salameh
George Salameh (born 1 January 1976) is a Lebanese alpine skier.
- Ranin Salameh
Ranin Salameh (Arabic: رانين سلامة, Hebrew: רנין סלאמה; born 16 August 1996) is an Arab-Israeli footballer who plays as a defender and has appeared for the Israel women's national team.
- Patrick Salameh
Patrick Salameh (born April 21, 1957), known as The Marseille Ripper, is a French criminal and serial killer.
- Hamza Salameh
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Salameh Numerology: Name Salameh has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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