What does the name Saku mean? What is the meaning of the name Saku
Meaning of Saku: Name Saku in the Japanese origin, means Remembrance of the Divine. Name Saku is of Japanese origin and is a Unisex name.
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Famous people with name Saku (Namesakes)
- Saku Koivu
Saku Antero Koivu (pronounced [ˈkoiʋu]; born November 23, 1974) is a Finnish former professional ice hockey player who played in the National Hockey League (NHL).
- Dori Sakurada
Dori Sakurada (桜田 通, Sakurada Dōri), born December 7, 1991 is a Japanese actor and singer.
- Saku Puhakainen
Saku Puhakainen (born 14 January 1975) is a Finnish footballer who plays as a striker.
- Saku Pesonen
Saku Pesonen (born 10 November 1985 in Lappeenranta) is a Finnish goalkeeper who plays for Haka.
- Saku-Pekka Sahlgren
Saku-Pekka Sahlgren (born 8 April 1992) is a Finnish football player currently playing for Kongsvinger in the Norwegian First Division.
- Saku Salminen
Saku Salminen (born October 20, 1994) is a Finnish professional ice hockey player.
- Saku Mäenalanen
Saku Mäenalanen (born 29 May 1994) is a Finnish professional ice hockey forward.
- Saku Kinnunen
Saku Kinnunen (born January 3, 1995) is a Finnish ice hockey player.
- Saku Salmela
Saku Salmela (born May 16, 1990) is a Finnish ice hockey defenceman.
- Saku Ylätupa
Saku Ylätupa (born 4 August 1999) is a Finnish footballer who plays for Swedish club AIK. A pacy two-footed Finland international, his preferred position is attacking midfielder, but he can also play as a central midfielder, winger or centre-forward.
- Saku Savolainen
Saku Savolainen (born 13 August 1996) is a Finnish football player.
- Saku Laaksonen
Saku Laaksonen (born 8 August 1970) is a retired Finnish football midfielder.
- Dominikus Saku
Dominikus Saku (born 3 April 1960) is an Indonesian Roman Catholic bishop.
- Saku Vesterinen
Saku Vesterinen (born February 28, 1999) is a Finnish professional ice hockey defenceman currently playing for IPK on loan from KalPa.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Saku Numerology: Name Saku has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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