What does the name Sakai mean? What is the meaning of the name Sakai
Meaning of Sakai: Name Sakai in the Japanese origin, means To live in prosperity. Name Sakai is of Japanese origin and is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Sakai (Namesakes)
- Stan Sakai
Stan Sakai (スタン坂井, Sutan Sakai, born May 25, 1953) is a Japanese-born American cartoonist and comic book creator.
- Hiroyuki Sakai
Hiroyuki Sakai (坂井 宏行, Sakai Hiroyuki, born April 2, 1942) is a Japanese chef who specializes in French cuisine.
- Noriko Sakai
Noriko Sakai (酒井 法子, Sakai Noriko, born February 14, 1971) is a Japanese singer and actress.
- Sumie Sakai
Sumie Sakai (坂井 澄江, Sakai Sumie, born November 24, 1971) is a Japanese professional wrestler and mixed martial artist.
- Kana Sakai
Kana Sakai (さかい かな, Sakai Kana), formerly known as Kanako Sakai (酒井 香奈子, Sakai Kanako) is a Japanese voice actress in Japan.
- Richard Sakai
Richard Sakai (born January 28, 1954) is an American television and film producer.
- Mika Sakai
Mika Sakai (酒井美佳, Sakai Mika; born March 7, 1975) is a Japanese female professional ten-pin bowler.
- Mayu Sakai
Mayu Sakai (酒井まゆ, Sakai Mayu, born January 7, 1982) is a female Japanese manga artist who once worked as an assistant to Miho Obana.
- Gōtoku Sakai
Gōtoku Sakai (酒井 高徳, Sakai Gōtoku, born 14 March 1991) is an American-born Japanese footballer with German descent who currently plays for Vissel Kobe and was a player for the Japanese national team, mainly as a right back.
- Masato Sakai
Masato Sakai (堺 雅人) is a Japanese actor.
- Hiroshi Sakai
Hiroshi Sakai (坂井 浩, Sakai Hiroshi, born October 19, 1976) is a former Japanese football player.
- Yohei Sakai
Yohei Sakai (坂井 洋平, Sakai Yohei, born April 10, 1986) is a former Japanese football player.
- Hiroki Sakai
Hiroki Sakai (酒井 宏樹, Sakai Hiroki, born 12 April 1990) is a Japanese footballer who currently plays for Ligue 1 club Marseille and the Japan national team.
- Noriyoshi Sakai
Noriyoshi Sakai (酒井 宣福, Sakai Noriyoshi, born 9 November 1992) is a Japanese footballer who plays as a midfielder for Omiya Ardija.
- Tatsuya Sakai
Tatsuya Sakai (坂井 達弥, Sakai Tatsuya, born 19 November 1990) is a Japanese football player for Samut Prakan City.
- Augusto Sakai
Augusto Sakai (born May 19, 1991) is a Japanese-Brazilian mixed martial artist who formerly competed in Bellator MMA who is now currently competing in the Heavyweight division of UFC. As of December 10, 2019, he is #13 in the UFC heavyweight rankings.
- Ayana Sakai
Ayana Sakai (酒井彩名, Sakai Ayana, born 16 May 1985) is a Japanese actress.
- Wakana Sakai
Wakana Sakai (酒井 若菜, Sakai Wakana, born 9 September 1980, in Nogi, Shimotsuga District, Tochigi, Japan) is a Japanese actress, writer, and former gravure idol.
- Goson Sakai
Goson Sakai (酒井 高聖, Sakai Gōson, born March 20, 1996) is a Japanese football player who plays for LSK Hansa.
- Toshiyuki Sakai
Toshiyuki Sakai (坂井 寿如, Sakai Yoshiyuki, born 3 September 1964) is a Japanese ice hockey player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Sakai Numerology: Name Sakai has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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