What does the name Sachiko mean? What is the meaning of the name Sachiko
Meaning of Sachiko: Name Sachiko in the Japanese origin, means The child of good luck and happiness. Name Sachiko is of Japanese origin and is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Sachiko (Namesakes)
- Sachiko Kojima
Sachiko Kojima (小島 幸子, Kojima Sachiko, born January 18, 1979) is a Japanese actress and voice actress from Chiba Prefecture.
- Sachiko Chijimatsu
Sachiko Chijimatsu (千々松幸子,, Chijimatsu Sachiko, born Sachiko Suetsune (末常幸子,, Suetsune Sachiko) on November 30, 1937) is a Japanese actress, voice actress and narrator from Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan.
She is most known for the roles of Pyonkichi (Dokonjō Gaeru), Nobita's Mama (Doraemon), Kabu (Sally, the Witch 1966), Shippona (Himitsu no Akko-chan 1969), and 001/Ivan Whiskey (Cyborg 009 1979).
- Sachiko Sugiyama
Sachiko Sugiyama (杉山 祥子,Sugiyama Sachiko, born October 19, 1979) is a volleyball player from Japan, who competed at the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens, Greece, wearing the number #12 jersey.
- Sachiko Yamada (swimmer)
Sachiko Yamada (山田沙知子, Yamada Sachiko, born October 15, 1982 in Osaka, Japan) is an Olympic and former World-Record-holding freestyle swimmer from Japan.
- Sendai Sachiko
Sachiko Jumonji (十文字 幸子, Jūmonji Sachiko, born December 26, 1989) is a retired Japanese professional wrestler, better known by the ring name Sendai Sachiko (仙台幸子, Sendai Sachiko).
- Sachiko Saito
Sachiko Saito (斎藤 幸子, Saitō Sachiko, born 15 January 1947) is a retired Japanese speed skater.
- Sachiko Konishi
Sachiko Konishi (小西 祥子, Konishi Sachiko, born 4 February 1982 in Osaka) is a female Japanese race walker.
- Sachiko Kobayashi
Sachiko Kobayashi (小林 幸子, Kobayashi Sachiko), born on December 5, 1953 in Niigata, Japan, is a female Japanese enka singer and occasional voice actor.
- Sachiko Kodama (volleyball)
Sachiko Kodama (born (1978-09-15)15 September 1978) is a retired Japanese female volleyball player, playing as an outside hitter.
- Sachiko Yamazaki
Sachiko Yamazaki (山崎 幸子, Yamazaki Sachiko, born 3 June 1962) is a Japanese former swimmer.
- Sachiko Kishimoto
Sachiko Kishimoto (岸本 幸子, Kishimoto Sachiko, born 25 April 1936) is a Japanese athlete.
- Sachiko Yamamoto
Sachiko Yamamoto (山本 さち子, Yamamoto Sachiko, born 5 April 1970) is a Japanese alpine skier.
- Sachiko Morimura
Sachiko Morimura (born 28 January 1972) is a Japanese gymnast.
- Sachiko Takamure
Sachiko Takamure (高群 佐知子, Takamure Sachiko, born April 1, 1971) is a retired Japanese women's professional shogi player ranked 4-dan.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Sachiko Numerology: Name Sachiko has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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