What does the name Sabine mean? What is the meaning of the name Sabine
Meaning of Sabine: Name Sabine in the Latin, French origin, means One who belongs to a Roman tribe person. Name Sabine is of Latin, French origin and is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Sabine (Namesakes)
- Sabine Dardenne
Sabine Anne Renée Ghislaine Dardenne (born 28 October 1983) is a Belgian author.
- Sabine Schmitz
Sabine Schmitz (Sabine Reck while married; born 14 May 1969) is a German professional motor racing driver for BMW and Porsche, also known for driving the BMW "ring taxi" around the Nürburgring race track as well as being a television personality.
- Sabine Moussier
Sabine Moussier (Spanish pronunciation: [saˈβine muˈsjeɾ]; born Diana Sabine Moussier August 23, 1966 in Leverkusen, North Rhine-Westphalia, West Germany) is a German-Mexican actress who is best known for her villainous roles in Televisa's telenovelas, such as El privilegio de amar, Entre el amor y el odio, La madrastra, Amar sin límites, Piel de otoño, Amor sin maquillaje, Las tontas no van al cielo, Mi pecado, Abismo de pasión, La malquerida, Que te perdone Dios, Sueño de amor y Me declaro culpable.
- Sabine Azéma
Sabine Azéma (born 20 September 1949) is a French stage and film actress and director.
- Sabine Krantz
Sabine Krantz (née Zimmer; born 6 February 1981) is a German race walker.
- Sabine Bethmann
Sabine Bethmann (born 25 October 1931) is a former German movie actress.
- Charles Sabine
Charles Sabine (born 20 April 1960, British Army Battalion HQ, Rinteln, West Germany), is a television journalist who worked for NBC News for 26 years, before becoming a spokesman for patients and families suffering from degenerative brain disease.
- Sabine Quindou
Sabine Quindou (born 1970) is a French journalist, known for having co-hosted science education TV show C'est pas sorcier with Jamy Gourmaud and Frédéric Courant, produced by France 3.
She graduated from CELSA Paris, and was a journalist for France 2, Agence France-Presse, and Europe 1.
- David Sabine
David John Sabine (born 6 June 1966) is a New Zealand born former English cricketer.
- Sabine Steinbach
Sabine Steinbach (later Sabine Klemm, born 18 July 1952) is a German former swimmer.
- Sabine Heinrich
Sabine Heinrich (born 27 December 1976 in Unna, North Rhine-Westphalia, West Germany) is a German radio and television presenter.
- Sabine Klewe
- Sabine Wils
Sabine Wils (born 31 May 1959) is a German politician.
- Sabine Timoteo
Sabine Timoteo (born 25 March 1975) is a Swiss actress from the Lorraine district of Bern.
- Sabine Winton
Sabine Elisabeth Winton (born 24 April 1965) is an Australian politician.
- Sabine Devieilhe
Sabine Devieilhe (French pronunciation: [sa.bin də.vjɛl]; born 12 December 1985) is a French operatic coloratura soprano.
- Sabine Crossen
- Sabine Hinkelmann
Sabine Hinkelmann (born 19 June 1960) is a German rower.
- Sabine Hyland
Sabine Hyland (born August 26, 1964) is an American anthropologist and ethnohistorian working in the Andes.
- Sabine Belkofer
Sabine Belkofer (also known as Sabine Belkofer-Kröhnert, Belkofer-Krehnert; born November 27, 1967) is a former German curler and curling coach.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Sabine Numerology: Name Sabine has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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