What does the name Ryszard mean? What is the meaning of the name Ryszard
Meaning of Ryszard: Name Ryszard in the German, Polish origin, means One who is powerful as a ruler. Name Ryszard is of German, Polish origin and is a Boy name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Ryszard: One who is powerful as a ruler
Popular names also beginning with 'r'
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Leader; A surname representing a Community of dominant caste and prosperous people from the state of Andhra Pradesh
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Famous people with name Ryszard (Namesakes)
- Ryszard Gryglewski
Ryszard Jerzy Gryglewski (born 4 August 1932 in Wilno) is a Polish pharmacologist and physician.
- Ryszard Czarnecki
Richard Henry Czarnecki ([ˈrɨʂart ˈxɛnrɨ t͡ʂarˈnɛt͡ski], born 25 January 1963 pol.
- Ryszard Grobelny
Ryszard Grobelny (born 17 April 1963 in Poznań) is a Polish politician and economist, the former Mayor of Poznań, Greater Poland Voivodeship, Poland (1998 - 2014).
- Ryszard Galla
Ryszard Jerzy Galla (born 22 July 1956 in Wrocław) is a Polish politician of German heritage.
- Ryszard Tarasiewicz
Ryszard Jerzy Tarasiewicz (born 27 April 1962 in Wrocław) is a Polish retired football player and current manager of GKS Tychy.
- Ryszard Staniek
Ryszard Staniek (born March 13, 1971 in Zebrzydowice) is a former Polish football midfielder.
- Ryszard Legutko
- Ryszard Czerwiec
Ryszard Czerwiec (born February 28, 1968 in Nowy Targ) is a Polish football player.
- Ryszard Schnepf
Ryszard Marian Schnepf (1951) is a Polish politician and diplomat.
- Ryszard Wasko
Ryszard Wasko (Waśko) (born February 21, 1947 in Nysa) is a Polish artist, who has worked in multimedia, including photography, film, video, installation, painting, and drawing.
- Ryszard Cyroń
- Ryszard Szurkowski
Ryszard Jan Szurkowski (born 12 January 1946 in Świebodów) is a retired road bicycle racer from Poland.
- Ryszard Tomczyk
Ryszard Władysław Tomczyk (born in Bierzwnik, Poland, on August 17, 1959) is a Polish politician, a historian, and a member of Local government.
- Ryszard Skrobek
Ryszard Skrobek (born 4 July 1951) is a Polish chess player who won the Polish Chess Championship in 1977.
- Ryszard Petru
Ryszard Jerzy Petru (born 6 July 1972; Wrocław, Poland) is a Polish politician.
- Ryszard Terlecki
Ryszard Iwon Terlecki (born September 2, 1949) is a Polish politician, the Parliamentary Caucus Head of the Law and Justice party.
- Ryszard Kotys
Ryszard Kotys (born 20 March 1932) is a Polish actor.
- Ryszard Rynkowski
Ryszard Rynkowski (born October 9, 1951 in Elbląg) is Polish singer, composer, pianist and actor.
- Ryszard Krynicki
Ryszard Krynicki (born 28 June 1943) is a Polish poet and translator, member of the Polish "New Wave" Movement.
- Ryszard Giło
Ryszard Giło (born 23 September 1949) is a Polish rower.
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Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Ryszard Numerology: Name Ryszard has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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