What does the name Ryota mean? What is the meaning of the name Ryota
Meaning of Ryota: Name Ryota in the Japanese origin, means Clear, Refreshing or something Good. Name Ryota is of Japanese origin and is a Boy name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Ryota: Clear, Refreshing or something Good
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Famous people with name Ryota (Namesakes)
- Ryota Taohata
- Ryota Miki
Ryota Miki (三木 良太, Miki Ryōta, born April 12, 1985) is a former Japanese football player.
- Ryota Hama
Ryota Hama (浜亮太,, Hama Ryōta) (born November 21, 1979) is a retired Japanese sumo wrestler and current professional wrestler, signed to Big Japan Pro Wrestling in the Strong BJ division.
- Ryota Arimitsu
Ryota Arimitsu (有光 亮太, Arimitsu Ryōta, born April 21, 1981) is a former Japanese football player.
- Ryota Takahashi
Ryota Takahashi (高橋 良太, Takahashi Ryōta, born December 28, 1986) is a former Japanese football player.
- Ryota Ozawa
Ryota Ozawa (小澤 亮太, Ozawa Ryōta, born January 25, 1988) is a Japanese actor best known for his role as Captain Marvelous in the 2011 Super Sentai series Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger.
- Ryota Morioka
Ryota Morioka (森岡 亮太, Morioka Ryōta, born April 12, 1991) is a Japanese football player who plays for Belgian Pro League side Charleroi.
- Ryota Oshima
Ryota Oshima (大島 僚太, Ōshima Ryōta, born 23 January 1993) is a Japanese football player for Kawasaki Frontale.
- Ryota Yamagata
Ryota Yamagata (山縣 亮太, Yamagata Ryōta, born 10 June 1992) is a Japanese sprinter holding Japan's 4th equal-fastest time of 10.00 seconds in the 100m.
- Ryota Kohama
Ryota Kohama (Japanese: 小浜良太, Hepburn: Kohama Ryōta, born 4 September 1989 Osaka) , better known as his stage name Ryota, is a bassist in the Japanese rock band One Ok Rock.
- Ryota Inoue
Ryota Inoue (井上 亮太, Inoue Ryōta, born April 26, 1990) is a Japanese football player.
- Ryota Katayose
Ryota Katayose (片寄 涼太, Katayose Ryōta, born 29 August 1994) is a Japanese singer, dancer and actor.
- Ryota Noguchi
Ryota Noguchi (野口 遼太, Noguchi Ryota, born June 24, 1986) is a Japanese football player for Suzuka Point Getters.
- Ryota Ukai
Ryota Ukai (鵜飼 亮多, Ukai Ryota, born May 28, 1996) is a Japanese football player.
- Ryota Yamasato
Ryota Yamasato (Japanese: 山里亮太, Hepburn: Yamasato Ryōta, born April 14, 1977), also known as Yama-chan (山ちゃん), is a Japanese comedian and television and radio personality.
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Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Ryota Numerology: Name Ryota has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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