What does the name Rumen mean? What is the meaning of the name Rumen?
Meaning of Rumen: Name Rumen in the Serbian, Bulgarian origin, means A Boy whose cheeks are rudy, red. Name Rumen is of Serbian, Bulgarian origin and is a Boy name.
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Popular names also beginning with 'r'
Lord of the night; Lord of the full moon night; Name means Lord of Full Moon Day in Sanskrit
A variant spelling of the Quranic name Raqeem; Said to be derived from Raheem which means compassionate
Leader; A surname representing a Community of dominant caste and prosperous people from the state of Andhra Pradesh
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Famous people with name Rumen (Namesakes)
- Rumen Goranov
Rumen Goranov (born 15 July 1984) is a Bulgarian footballer.
- Rumen Tinkov
Rumen Tinkov (Bulgarian: Румен Тинков; born 20 February 1987 in Plovdiv) is a Bulgarian footballer.
- Rumen Rangelov
Rumen Rangelov (Bulgarian: Румен Рангелов; born 30 November 1985) is a Bulgarian footballer who plays
- Rumen Galabov
Rumen Angelov Galabov (Bulgarian: Румен Ангелов Гълъбов; born 29 July 1978 in Sofia) is a former Bulgarian professional footballer.
- Rumen Dimitrov
Rumen Dimitrov (Bulgarian: Румен Димитров; born May 10, 1982) is a Bulgarian Sambo practitioner who has won a Bronze medal twice at the Combat Sambo World Championships.
- Rumen Popov
Rumen Popov (Bulgarian: Румен Попов) (born 21 May 1983 in Plovdiv) is a Bulgarian football player.
- Rumen Shankulov
Rumen Shankulov (Bulgarian: Румен Шанкулов; born 22 August 1976) is a former Bulgarian footballer who played as a forward.
- Rumen Nikolov (footballer)
Rumen Nikolov (Bulgarian: Румен Николов; born 5 February 1990) is a Bulgarian footballer who plays as a forward for Spartak Varna.
- Rumen Lapantov
Rumen Lapantov (Bulgarian: Румен Лапантов; born 11 April 1984) is a Bulgarian football player, currently playing as a midfielder for Pirin Gotse Delchev.
On 12 August 2012, Lapantov scored Pirin's first-ever A PFG goal, in a two to one home win against Minyor Pernik.
- Rumen Ivanov
Rumen Ivanov (Bulgarian: Румен Иванов) (born 14 September 1973) is a Bulgarian football forward.
- Rumen Stoyanov
Rumen Stoyanov (Bulgarian: Румен Стоянов; born 13 December 1976) is a Bulgarian football player, currently playing for Tundzha Yambol as a defender.
- Rumen Hristov
Rumen Hristov (Bulgarian: Румен Христов) (born 22 March 1975) is a retired Bulgarian footballer.
- Rumen Sandev
Rumen Sandev (Bulgarian: Румен Сандев; born 19 November 1988) is a Bulgarian footballer currently playing as a defender for Septemvri Sofia.
- Rumen Radev
Rumen Georgiev Radev (Bulgarian: Румен Георгиев Радев; born 18 June 1963) is a Bulgarian politician and former major general who is the current President of Bulgaria since January 22, 2017.
- Rumen Kasabov
Rumen Kasabov (Bulgarian: Румен Касабов; born 15 November 1999) is a Bulgarian footballer who plays as a midfielder for Svetkavitsa Targovishte.
- Rumen Aleksiev
Rumen Aleksiev (Bulgarian: Румен Алексиев, born 12 May 1967) is a Bulgarian rower.
- Rumen Peshev
Rumen Peshev (born 13 August 1954) is a Bulgarian boxer.
- Rumen Alabakov
Rumen Alabakov (born 2 August 1965) is a Bulgarian wrestler.
- Rumen Pavlov
Rumen Pavlov (born 21 March 1964) is a Bulgarian wrestler.
- Rumen Gabrovski
Rumen Gabrovski (born 11 June 1946) is a Bulgarian gymnast.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Rumen Numerology: Name Rumen has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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