What does the name Rubens mean? What is the meaning of the name Rubens
Meaning of Rubens: Name Rubens in the Hebrew origin, means The son of Ruben. Ruben means 'behold my son'. Name Rubens is of Hebrew origin and is a Boy name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Rubens: The son of Ruben. Ruben means 'behold my son'
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Famous people with name Rubens (Namesakes)
- Rubens Ricupero
Rubens Ricupero (born March 1, 1937) is a Brazilian academic, economist, bureaucrat and diplomat.
- Rubens Charles Maciel
Rubens Charles Maciel (born December 24, 1979), aka "Cobrinha" and sometimes referred to as Rubens "Cobrinha" Charles, is a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) competitor.
- Rubens Barrichello
Rubens "Rubinho" Gonçalves Barrichello (Portuguese pronunciation: [ˈʁubẽjz ɡõ'sawviz baʁiˈkɛlʊ], [ʁuˈbĩjʊ]; born 23 May 1972) is a Brazilian racing driver who competed in Formula One between 1993 and 2011, scoring 11 Grand Prix wins and 68 podiums.
Barrichello drove for Ferrari from 2000 to 2005, as Michael Schumacher's teammate, enjoying considerable success including finishing as championship runner-up in 2002 and 2004.
- Rubens Bertogliati
Rubens Bertogliati (born 9 May 1979 in Lugano) is a Swiss retired road racing cyclist, whose breakthrough came in the 2002 Tour de France, when he was riding for the Italian Lampre–Daikin team.
- Rubens Cardoso
Rubens Vanderlei Tavares Cardoso or simply Rubens Cardoso (born September 6, 1976, in São Paulo), is a Brazilian retired left wingback is the current assistant manager of Brasil de Pelotas.
- Rubens Sambueza
Rubens Oscar Estuardo Sambueza (born 1 January 1984) is an Argentinean professional footballer who plays for Liga MX club Pachuca.
- Rubens Torres
Rubens Vieira Torres, (born in Imperatriz, Brazil) is a Brazilian footballer.
- Rubens Rodrigues dos Santos Júnior
Rubens Rodrigues dos Santos Júnior or simply Rubens Júnior (born January 8, 1975) is a former Brazilian left back.
- Hélio Rubens Garcia
Hélio Rubens Garcia (born Franca, Brazil, September 2, 1940), also commonly known as Hélio Rubens, is a former Brazilian professional basketball player and coach.
- Rubens Minelli
Rubens Francisco Minelli (born 19 December 1928) is a Brazilian former football player and manager.
- Larry Rubens
Larry Rubens is a former center in the National Football League and in the United States Football League.
- Jorge Caetano Rubens
- Rubens Pinheiro
Rubens Pinheiro (born 12 October 1989 in São Paulo) is a Brazilian footballer who most recently played as a midfielder for the Fort Lauderdale Strikers in the North American Soccer League.
- Rubens Joseph
Rubens Joseph (born 12 October 1968) is a Haitian judoka.
- Rubens Galaxie
Rubens Galaxie (born 29 April 1952) is a Brazilian footballer.
- Rubens Otoni
Rubens Otoni Gomide (born 6 February 1956) is a Brazilian politician and university professor.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Rubens Numerology: Name Rubens has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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