What does the name Roza mean? What is the meaning of the name Roza?
Meaning of Roza: Name Roza in the Russian, Yiddish origin, means One whose beauty is compared to one of the rose. Name Roza is of Russian, Yiddish origin and is a Girl name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Roza: One whose beauty is compared to one of the rose
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Famous people with name Roza (Namesakes)
- Roza Dereje
Roza Dereje Bekele (born 9 May 1997) is an Ethiopian marathon runner.
- Rozalia Galiyeva
Rozaliya Ilfatovna Galiyeva (Russian: Розалия Ильфатовна Галиева; born 28 April 1977), also known as Roza Galieva, is a retired artistic gymnast who competed in the 1992 Summer Olympics and 1996 Summer Olympics.
- Roza Otunbayeva
Roza Isakovna Otunbayeva (Kyrgyz: Роза Исаковна (Исак кызы) Отунбаева, Roza İsaqovna (İsaq qızı) Otunbayeva; born August 23, 1950) is a Kyrgyz diplomat and politician who served as the President of Kyrgyzstan from 7 April 2010 until 1 December 2011.
- Roza Rymbayeva
Roza Kuanyshkyzy Rymbayeva (Kazakh: Roza Qýanyshqyzy Rymbaeva/Роза Қуанышқызы Рымбаева, born 1957) is a Soviet and Kazakh singer, the people's artist of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic (1986).
- Roza Sage
- Gustavo da Roza
Gustavo Uriel da Roza II, (born 24 February 1933) is a Canadian architect best known for his work on the Winnipeg Art Gallery.
- Juan-Carlos Rozas Salgado
Juan-Carlos Rozas Salgado (born 5 May 1963) is a Spanish former professional racing cyclist.
- Roza Zenziveyeva
Roza Zenziveyeva (born 21 March 1931) is a Soviet former swimmer.
- Maria Roza Boni
Maria Roza Boni (Μαρία-Ρόζα Μπόνη, born September 2, 1986) is a Greek professional basketball player who plays for Olympiacos in the Greek Women's Basketball League.
- Roza Dimova
Roza Dimova (Bulgarian: Роза Димова, born 18 April 1936) is a Bulgarian cross-country skier.
- Pelayo Roza
Pelayo Roza Fonticiella (born 4 May 1996) is a Spanish sprint canoeist.
- Roza Guliyeva
Roza Guliyeva (born 28 March 1998) is an Azerbaijani footballer who plays as a midfielder for Georgian Women's Championship club FC Nike Tbilisi and the Azerbaijan women's national team.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Roza Numerology: Name Roza has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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