What does the name Rossana mean? What is the meaning of the name Rossana
Meaning of Rossana: Name Rossana in the Italian origin, means She who brings the brightness of a dawn. Name Rossana is of Italian origin and is a Girl name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Rossana: She who brings the brightness of a dawn
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Famous people with name Rossana (Namesakes)
- Rossana de los Ríos
Rossana de los Ríos (born 16 September 1975) is a retired tennis player from Paraguay.
- Rossana Rossanda
Rossana Rossanda (born 23 April 1924) is an Italian left-wing politician, journalist, and feminist.
- Rossana Dinamarca
Rossana Dinamarca (born 2 January 1974) is a Chilean exile and Swedish Left Party politician and student.
- Rossana Ghessa
Rossana Ghessa (born 24 January 1943) is an Italian actress, from Sardinia, and a naturalized Brazilian.
- Rossana Casale
Rossana Casale (born July 21, 1959) is an Italian singer.
- Rossana San Juan
Rossana San Juan (born 30 August 1969 in Chilpancingo, Guerrero, Mexico) is a Mexican actress and singer who has participated in various productions, both movies and soap operas.
- Rossana Nájera
Rossana Nájera Flores (born August 14, 1980, in Xalapa, Veracruz) is a Mexican actress of soap operas.
- Rossana Quitongo
Rossana Wandy Adão Tavares Quitongo (born September 15, 1990) is a team handball player from Angola.
- Rossana López León
Rossana López León (born March 6, 1969) is a Puerto Rican politician and public servant from the Popular Democratic Party (PPD).
- Rossana Campo
Rossana Campo (born 17 October 1963 in Genoa, Italy) is an Italian writer and painter.
- Rossana Lacayo
Rossana Lacayo de Herguedas known professionally as Rossana Lacayo (born 3 September 1956) is a Nicaraguan photographer, scriptwriter, and filmmaker.
- Rossana Di Lorenzo
Rossana Di Lorenzo (born 4 March 1938) is an Italian former film actress.
- Rossana Juncos
Rossana Juncos (born 20 June 1958) is an Argentine former swimmer.
- Rossana Morabito
Rossana Morabito (born 21 September 1969) is an Italian female retired sprinter (400 m) and middle-distance runner (800 m), who competed at the 1987 World Championships in Athletics.
- Rossana Lombardo
Rossana Lombardo (born 9 July 1962) is an Italian sprinter.
- Rossana Rodriguez-Sanchez
Rossana Rodríguez Sanchez (born November 13, 1978) is a Chicago politician and community organizer.
- Saijuddin
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Rossana Numerology: Name Rossana has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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