What does the name Rosen mean? What is the meaning of the name Rosen
Meaning of Rosen: Name Rosen in the Cornish origin, means Cornish word meaning rose.. Name Rosen is of Cornish origin and is a Girl name. People with name Rosen are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Rosen: Cornish word meaning rose.
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Lord of the night; Lord of the full moon night; Name means Lord of Full Moon Day in Sanskrit
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Leader; A surname representing a Community of dominant caste and prosperous people from the state of Andhra Pradesh
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Famous people with name Rosen (Namesakes)
- Michael Rosen
Michael Wayne Rosen (born 7 May 1946) is an English children's author and poet who has written 140 books.
- Andrea Rosen
Andrea Rosen (born September 29, 1974) is an American comedian and actress most notable for her work with comedy troupes Stella and Variety Shac, and for her appearances in numerous television commercials.
- Jay Rosen
Jay Rosen (born May 5, 1956) is a media critic, writer, and a professor of journalism at New York University.
- Aby Rosen
Aby J. Rosen (born May 16, 1960) is a West German-born American real estate tycoon living in New York City.
- Eric Rosen
Eric S. Rosen (born March 25, 1953) is a Kansas Supreme Court Justice.
- Beatrice Rosen
Beatrice Rosen, (born November 29, 1984) also credited as Béatrice Rosen and Béatrice Rosenblatt, is an American-born French actress.
- Julie Rosen
Julie A. Rosen (born August 9, 1957) is a Minnesota politician and member of the Minnesota Senate.
- Julieta Rosen
Julieta Rosen ((Spanish pronunciation: [xuˈljeta ˈrosen]); born 8 November 1962 in Mexico City, Mexico) is a Mexican actress.
- Alexander Rosen
Alexander Rosen (born 10 April 1979 in Augsburg) is a German former football player.
- Marc Rosen
Marc Rosen (born May 12, 1976) is an American film and television producer.
- Benjamin M. Rosen
Benjamin "Ben" M. Rosen (born March 11, 1933) is the former Chairman and former Acting Chief Executive Officer of Compaq and a co-founder of Sevin Rosen Funds.
- Alison Rosen
Alison Michelle Rosen (born May 11, 1975) is an American podcaster, writer, and television personality.
- Zack Rosen
Zack Rosen (born March 14, 1989) is an American basketball player.
- Harris Rosen
Harris Rosen (born September 9, 1939 in Manhattan, New York) is an American businessman, investor and philanthropist.
- Dan Rosen
Dan Rosen (born November 11, 1963) is an American screenwriter and film director.
Rosen is best known for the films The Last Supper, which he wrote, as well as Freeloaders and The Curve, both of which he wrote/co-wrote and directed.
- Kimberley Rosen
Kimberley Clark Rosen (born October 8, 1958) is an American politician from Maine.
- Josh Rosen
Joshua Ballinger Lippincott Rosen (born February 10, 1997) is an American football quarterback for the Miami Dolphins of the National Football League (NFL).
- Trevor Rosen
Trevor Joseph Rosen (born February 18, 1975) is an American country music songwriter and musician.
- Jacky Rosen
Jacklyn Sheryl Rosen (née Spektor; born August 2, 1957) is an American politician serving as the junior United States Senator from Nevada since 2019.
- Jeffrey A. Rosen
Jeffrey Adam Rosen (born April 2, 1958) is an American lawyer who is the current United States Deputy Attorney General.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Rosen Numerology: Name Rosen has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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