What does the name Roosevelt mean? What is the meaning of the name Roosevelt?
Meaning of Roosevelt: Name Roosevelt in the Dutch origin, means One who comes from the rose fields. Name Roosevelt is of Dutch origin and is a Boy name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Roosevelt: One who comes from the rose fields
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Leader; A surname representing a Community of dominant caste and prosperous people from the state of Andhra Pradesh
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Famous people with name Roosevelt (Namesakes)
- Roosevelt Skerrit
Roosevelt Skerrit (born 8 June 1972) is a Dominican politician who has been Prime Minister of Dominica since 2004; he has also been the Member of Parliament for the Vieille Case constituency since 2000.
- Theodore Roosevelt IV
Theodore Roosevelt V (born November 27, 1942), commonly known as Theodore Roosevelt IV, is an investment banker and managing director at Barclays Capital Corporation.
- Kermit Roosevelt III
Kermit Roosevelt III (born July 14, 1971) is an American writer, author, lawyer, and professor at the University of Pennsylvania.
- Mark Roosevelt
Mark Roosevelt (born December 10, 1955) is an American academic administrator and politician, currently serving as the seventh president of the Santa Fe campus of St.
- Franklin Delano Roosevelt III
Franklin Delano Roosevelt III (born July 19, 1938) is a retired American economist and academic.
- Eleanor Roosevelt Seagraves
Anna Eleanor Roosevelt Seagraves (née Dall, born March 25, 1927, in New York City) is an American librarian, educator, historian, and editor.
- Roosevelt Taylor
Roosevelt "Rosey" Taylor (born July 4, 1937 in New Orleans, Louisiana) is a former American football safety who played for the Chicago Bears, San Francisco 49ers, and Washington Redskins of the National Football League.
- Roosevelt Potts
Roosevelt Potts (born January 8, 1971) is a former professional American football player who played fullback in the National Football League for five seasons from 1993 to 1998 for the Indianapolis Colts, Miami Dolphins, and Baltimore Ravens, after playing college football at University of Louisiana at Monroe.
- John Roosevelt Boettiger
John Roosevelt Boettiger (born March 30, 1939, in Seattle, Washington) is a retired professor of developmental and clinical psychology, and the son of Anna Roosevelt Boettiger and her second husband, Clarence John Boettiger.
- James Roosevelt (lawyer)
James Theodore Roosevelt (born November 9, 1945) is an attorney, Democratic Party official, and a grandson of U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Eleanor Roosevelt.
- Selwa Roosevelt
Selwa Carmen Showker "Lucky" Roosevelt (born January 13, 1929) was Chief of Protocol of the United States for almost seven years from 1982-1989—longer than anyone has ever served in that position.
- Naaman Roosevelt
Naaman Roosevelt (born December 24, 1987) is a Canadian football wide receiver who is currently playing for the Montreal Alouettes of the Canadian Football League (CFL).
- Roosevelt Nix (fullback)
Roosevelt Delbert Nix-Jones (born March 30, 1992) is an American football fullback for the Indianapolis Colts of the National Football League (NFL) .
- Roosevelt (musician)
Roosevelt (born Marius Lauber on 29 September 1990) is a German singer, songwriter and producer from Viersen.
- Roosevelt Roberts
Roosevelt Roberts (born February 11, 1994) is an American mixed martial artist (MMA) and currently competes in the Lightweight division in the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC).
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Roosevelt Numerology: Name Roosevelt has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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