What does the name Rolf mean? What is the meaning of the name Rolf
Meaning of Rolf: Name Rolf in the German origin, means He is a legendary wolf among men. Name Rolf is of German origin and is a Boy name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Rolf: He is a legendary wolf among men
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Famous people with name Rolf (Namesakes)
- Rolf Becker
Rolf Becker (born 31 March 1935) is a German television actor and political activist.
- Rolf Dobelli
Rolf Dobelli (born July 15, 1966 in Luzern, Switzerland) is a Swiss author and businessman.
- Rolf Ridderwall
Rolf Lennart "Riddarn" ("the Knight") Ridderwall (born November 20, 1958) is a retired Swedish ice hockey goaltender.
- Rolf Harris
Rolf Harris (born 30 March 1930) is an Australian entertainer whose career has encompassed work as a musician, singer-songwriter, composer, comedian, actor, painter and television personality.
- Rolf Benirschke
Rolf Joachim Benirschke (born February 7, 1955) is a former American football player in the National Football League.
- Rolf Schimpf
Rolf Schimpf (born 14 November 1924 in Berlin, Germany) is a German television actor.
- Rolf Lassgård
Rolf Holger Lassgård (born 29 March 1955) is a Swedish actor.
- Rolf Feltscher
Rolf Günther Feltscher Martínez (born 6 October 1990) is a Swiss-Venezuelan international footballer who plays as defender for the LA Galaxy and the Venezuela national football team.
- Rolf Landerl
Rolf Landerl (born October 24, 1975 in Vienna) is an Austrian retired footballer and current manager of German side VfB Lübeck.
- Rolf Roosalu
Rolf Roosalu, also known as Rolf Junior (born 18 January 1982 in Tartu), is an Estonian singer who has participated in a number of musicals.
- Rolf Kanies
Rolf Kanies (born 21 December 1957) is a German actor who played many high-profile roles on the stage before switching to a career in film and television in 1997.
- Rolf Lislevand
Rolf Lislevand (30 December 1961 in Oslo, Norway), is a Norwegian performer of Early music specialising on lute, vihuela, baroque guitar and theorbo.
- Rolf Blau
Rolf Blau (born 21 May 1952) is a retired German football midfielder.
- Rolf Lyssy
Rolf Lyssy (born 25 February 1936) is a Swiss screenwriter and film director.
- Rolf Junefelt
Rolf Ingmar Junefelt (born 15 May 1938) is a Swedish modern pentathlete who competed at the 1964 Summer Olympics.
- Rolf Fehlbaum
Rolf Fehlbaum (born April 6, 1941, Basel) is chairman emeritus and active member of the board of directors of Vitra, a family-owned furniture company with headquarters in Birsfelden, Switzerland.
- Rolf Thung
Rolf Thung (born 27 July 1951) is a retired Dutch tennis player.
- Sa'ood
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Rolf Numerology: Name Rolf has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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