What does the name Rogelio mean? What is the meaning of the name Rogelio?
Meaning of Rogelio: Name Rogelio in the Spanish origin, means A legendary and famous soldier. Name Rogelio is of Spanish origin and is a Boy name.
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Popular names also beginning with 'r'
Lord of the night; Lord of the full moon night; Name means Lord of Full Moon Day in Sanskrit
A variant spelling of the Quranic name Raqeem; Said to be derived from Raheem which means compassionate
Leader; A surname representing a Community of dominant caste and prosperous people from the state of Andhra Pradesh
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Famous people with name Rogelio (Namesakes)
- Rogelio Delgado
Rogelio Wilfrido Delgado Casco (born 12 October 1959 in Asunción) is a retired football central defender from Paraguay.
- Rogelio Figueroa
Rogelio Figueroa García (born September 13, 1963 in Naguabo, Puerto Rico) is a Puerto Rican engineer and politician.
- Sergio Rogelio Castillo
Sergio Rogelio Castillo Arce (born 26 September 1970 in Ledesma, Jujuy Province) is an Argentine–Bolivian retired football midfielder.
- Rogelio Chávez
Rogelio Alfredo Chávez Martínez (born 28 October 1984) is a professional Mexican footballer who plays for Arka Gdynia.
- Rogelio Funes Mori
Rogelio Gabriel Funes Mori (born 5 March 1991) is an Argentine professional footballer who plays for Liga MX club Monterrey as a striker.
- Rogelio Medina
Rogelio Medina (born September 16, 1988 in San Luis Río Colorado, Sonora, Mexico) is a Mexican professional boxer and former world title challenger.
- Rogelio Vargas
Rogelio Vargas (born November 25, 1982 in Oxnard, California) is an undefeated Mexican American professional boxer in the Super Middleweight division and is the younger brother of two-time world champion boxer Fernando Vargas.
- Rogelio Castañeda Jr.
Rogelio Castañeda Jr (born September 8, 1979) is a Mexican professional boxer who competes at welterweight.
- Rogelio Ruvalcaba
Rogelio Ruvalcaba (born September 11, 1988 in Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico) is a Mexican professional boxer in the Super Middleweight division.
- Rogelio Rueda Sánchez
Rogelio Rueda Sánchez (born 17 December 1964) is a Mexican politician and lawyer affiliated with the PRI. As of 2013 he served as Senator of the LX and LXI Legislatures of the Mexican Congress representing Colima.
- Rogelio Arango
Rogelio Arango (born 27 June 1959) is a Colombian former professional racing cyclist.
- Rogelio Frigerio
Rogelio Frigerio (born January 7, 1970, Buenos Aires) is an Argentine economist and politician.
- Rogelio Rivas
Rogelio Rivas (born 7 August 1944) is a Spanish sprinter.
- Rogelio Armenteros
Rogelio Armenteros Peña (born June 30, 1994) is a Cuban professional baseball pitcher for the Houston Astros of Major League Baseball (MLB).
- Rogelio Reyes
Rogelio Reyes (born 1 April 1942) is a Mexican boxer.
- Rogelio Espina
Rogelio Espina is a Filipino politician from the Eastern Visayan island province of Biliran in the Philippines.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Rogelio Numerology: Name Rogelio has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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