What does the name Roca mean? What is the meaning of the name Roca
Meaning of Roca: Name Roca in the Native American origin, means Native American - Principal; Radiant; A variant is Ruca. Name Roca is of Native American origin and is a Boy name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Roca: Native American - Principal; Radiant; A variant is Ruca
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Lord of the night; Lord of the full moon night; Name means Lord of Full Moon Day in Sanskrit
A variant spelling of the Quranic name Raqeem; Said to be derived from Raheem which means compassionate
Leader; A surname representing a Community of dominant caste and prosperous people from the state of Andhra Pradesh
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Famous people with name Roca (Namesakes)
- Stacey Roca
Stacey Roca (born 12 September 1978 in Southport) is an English actress, known for portraying Rachel in The Office, Claudie Stephenson in Strictly Confidential and Nancy Tench in Netflix drama Mindhunter.
- Carlos Roca (footballer)
Carlos Jose Roca (born 4 September 1984) is an English football midfielder who played in the Football League for Oldham Athletic.
- Eileen Roca
Eileen Roca Torralvo (born September 26, 1986 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) is a former Miss Colombia.
- Xavi Roca
- Emma Roca Rodríguez
Emma Roca Rodríguez (born 12 August 1973) is a Spanish ski mountaineer.
- Sorin Roca
Sorin Roca (born 12 February 1960) is a Romanian fencer.
- Miguel Roca
Miguel Roca (born 21 April 1956) is a Spanish fencer.
- Javier Roca
Javier Leopoldo Roca Sepúlveda (born August 9, 1977 in Santiago) is a Chilean footballer that currently plays for Persis Solo in the Liga Indonesia Premier Division (LPIS).
- Albert Roca
- Miquel Roca
Miquel Roca i Junyent (Bordeaux, France, 20 April 1940) is a Spanish lawyer and politician from Democratic Convergence of Catalonia.
- Marc Roca (footballer)
Marc Roca Junqué (born 26 November 1996) is a Spanish professional footballer who plays for RCD Espanyol as a central midfielder.
- Rubén Roca
Rubén Roca (born 12 December 1940) is a Cuban former swimmer.
- Francesc Montañés-Roca
Francesc Montañés-Roca (Spanish pronunciation: [fɾanˈθesk montaˈɲez ˈroka]; born 9 January 1990) is a Spanish tennis player.
- Nuria Roca
Nuria Roca Granell (Moncada, Valencia, 23 March 1972) is a Spanish writer, TV presenter, actress, radio announcer and architect.
- Ferddy Roca
Ferddy Roca (born 24 March 2000) is a Bolivian football player who plays as forward for Oriente Petrolero in Bolivian Primera División.
- Mercedes Roca
Mercedes Roca (born 27 November 1952) is a Cuban volleyball player.
- Claudio Roca
Claudio Roca (born 26 April 1989 in Mexico City, Mexico) is a Mexican actor, best known in his native country for telenovelas as Cachito de cielo (2012), the second season Señora Acero (2015), La Doña (2016–2017), and Muy padres (2017).
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Roca Numerology: Name Roca has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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