What does the name Roble mean? What is the meaning of the name Roble?
Meaning of Roble: Name Roble in the Somali origin, means He who was born during a rainy storm. Name Roble is of Somali origin and is a Boy name.
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Popular names also beginning with 'r'
Lord of the night; Lord of the full moon night; Name means Lord of Full Moon Day in Sanskrit
A variant spelling of the Quranic name Raqeem; Said to be derived from Raheem which means compassionate
Leader; A surname representing a Community of dominant caste and prosperous people from the state of Andhra Pradesh
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Famous people with name Roble (Namesakes)
- Robledo Puch
Carlos Eduardo Robledo Puch (born 22 January 1952), also known as "The Angel of Death" and "The Black Angel", is an Argentine serial killer.
- Luis Robles
Luis Robles (born May 11, 1984) is an American soccer player who plays as a goalkeeper for Inter Miami in Major League Soccer.
- Joel Robles
Joel Robles Blázquez (Spanish pronunciation: [ɟʝoˈel ˈroβles]; born 17 June 1990) is a Spanish professional footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Real Betis.
- Armando Robles
Armando "Chato" Robles (born January 9, 1978 in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico) is a Mexican boxer in the Welterweight division and is the current Mexican National Light Welterweight Champion.
- Álvaro Robles (boxer)
Álvaro Robles (born January 11, 1989 in Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico) is a Mexican professional boxer in the Welterweight division and is a former WBC FECARBOX Welterweight Champion.
- Fabián Robles
Fabián Robles (born April 16, 1974 in León de los Aldama, Guanajuato, Mexico) is a Mexican actor.
- Héctor Robles
Héctor Rosendo Robles Fuentes (born 7 September 1971) is a Chilean coach and former footballer.
- Sarah Robles
Sarah Elizabeth Robles (born August 1, 1988) is an American weightlifter.
- Ángel Luis Robles Berengüí
Ángel Luis Robles Berengüí (born 20 April 1982) is a Spanish footballer who plays for FC Jumilla as a central defender.
- Louis Robles
Louis Gabriel Robles (born 11 September 1996) is an English professional footballer who plays as a forward for Bala Town.
- Miguel Robles-Durán
Miguel Robles-Durán (born July 25, 1975, Mexico City, Mexico) is an urbanist, Associate Professor of Urbanism (tenured) at The New School / Parsons The New School for Design in New York City, and co-founder of the non-profit Cohabitation Strategies, a cooperative for socio-spatial research, design and development based in Rotterdam, The Netherlands and New York City, USA.
- Alejandra Robles Gil
Alejandra Robles Gil Pérez (born February 7, 1990) is a Mexican actress.
- Margarita Robles
María Margarita Robles Fernández (León, November 10, 1956) is a Spanish judge and politician, currently serving as Minister of Defence since June 2018.
- Stheven Robles
Stheven Adán Robles Ruiz (born in 12 November 1995) is a Guatemalan professional football player who plays for the Guatemalan national team.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Roble Numerology: Name Roble has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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