What does the name Robison mean? What is the meaning of the name Robison?
Meaning of Robison: Name Robison in the English origin, means The son of the one who glows with fame. Name Robison is of English origin and is a Boy name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Robison: The son of the one who glows with fame
Popular names also beginning with 'r'
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Famous people with name Robison (Namesakes)
- Robison Pratt
Robison "Robbie" Pratt (born February 25, 1980) is an Olympic pole vaulter and an NCAA national champion.
- Emily Robison
Emily Burns Strayer (née Erwin, before Robison; born August 16, 1972) is an American songwriter, singer, multi-instrumentalist, and a founding member of the country band the Dixie Chicks.
- Shona Robison
Shona McRory Robison (born 26 May 1966) is a Scottish politician who is the Scottish National Party Member of the Scottish Parliament for Dundee City East since 2011 and was Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport 2014–2018.
- Paula Robison
Paula Robison (born June 8, 1941) is a flutist and music teacher.
- Charlie Robison
Charles Fitzgerald Robison (born September 1, 1964) is a retired American country music singer/songwriter.
- Robison Wells
Robison Wells (born April 1978) is an American novelist.
- James Robison (televangelist)
James Robison (born October 9, 1943) is an American televangelist and the founder and President of the Christian relief organization Life Outreach International.
- Mary Robison
Mary Cennamo Robison (born January 14, 1949 in Washington, D.C., United States) is an American short story writer and novelist.
- Bruce Robison
Bruce Ben Robison (born June 11, 1966) is an American, Austin-based Texas country music singer-songwriter.
- Brian Robison
Brian Gale Robison (born April 27, 1983) is a former American football defensive end.
- John Elder Robison
John Elder Robison (born August 13, 1957) is the author of the 2007 memoir Look Me in the Eye, detailing his life with undiagnosed Asperger syndrome and savant abilities, and of three other books.
- Garry Robison
Major General Garry Stuart Robison, (born 10 June 1958) is a retired Royal Marines officer who served as Commandant-General Royal Marines and Commander United Kingdom Amphibious Forces from 2006 to 2009.
- Bill Robison
William Ray "Bill" Robison (born December 5, 1957 in Denver, Colorado) is an American physical theatre artist.
- Michael Robison
Michael Robison (born August 29, 1955) is a Canadian film and television director.
- George Robison
George Alfred Robison (born February 14, 1931) is a former American football guard who played for the Dallas Texans.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 11
Baby Name Robison Numerology: Name Robison has a number value of 11 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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