What does the name Rhodes mean? What is the meaning of the name Rhodes
Meaning of Rhodes: Name Rhodes in the Greek origin, means A place where the roses grow. Name Rhodes is of Greek origin and is a Boy name.
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Popular names also beginning with 'r'
Lord of the night; Lord of the full moon night; Name means Lord of Full Moon Day in Sanskrit
A variant spelling of the Quranic name Raqeem; Said to be derived from Raheem which means compassionate
Leader; A surname representing a Community of dominant caste and prosperous people from the state of Andhra Pradesh
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Famous people with name Rhodes (Namesakes)
- Nick Rhodes
Nick Rhodes (born Nicholas James Bates, 8 June 1962) is an English musician, singer and producer, best known as a founding member and keyboardist of the new wave band Duran Duran.
- Happy Rhodes
Happy Rhodes (born Kimberley Tyler Rhodes, August 9, 1965) is an American singer, songwriter, instrumentalist and electronic musician with a four-octave vocal range, releasing 11 albums between 1986 and 2007.
- Ray Rhodes
Raymond Earl Rhodes (born October 20, 1950) is a former American football player and coach.
- Zandra Rhodes
Dame Zandra Lindsey Rhodes, (born 19 September 1940), is an English fashion and textile designer.
- Cynthia Rhodes
Cynthia Rhodes (born November 21, 1956) is a retired American actress, singer and dancer.
- Kim Rhodes
Kimberly Rhodes (born June 7, 1969) is an American actress, who is known for her portrayal as Ensign Lydnsey Ballard in "Ashes to Ashes" episode of Star Trek Voyager.
- Kerry Rhodes
Kerry Rhodes (born August 2, 1982) is an American actor and former American football safety in the National Football League.
- Mark Rhodes
Mark Thomas Rhodes (born 11 September 1981) is an English singer and television presenter.
- Jennifer Rhodes
Jennifer Rhodes (born August 17, 1947) is an American actress whose career spans four decades.
- Jonty Rhodes
Jonathan Neil Rhodes (born 27 July 1969) is a South African cricket commentator and former Test and One Day International cricketer.
- Emitt Rhodes
Emitt Lynn Rhodes (born February 25, 1950) is an American singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and recording engineer.
- Rodrick Rhodes
Rodrick Rhodes (born September 24, 1973) is an American former professional basketball player who was selected by the Houston Rockets in the 1st round (24th overall) of the 1997 NBA Draft.
- Cody Rhodes
Cody Garrett Runnels Rhodes (born Cody Garrett Runnels; June 30, 1985) is an American professional wrestler, promoter, businessman, and actor, better known by the ring name Cody Rhodes or simply Cody.
- Jordan Rhodes
Jordan Luke Rhodes (born 5 February 1990) is a Scottish professional footballer who plays as a striker for Championship club Sheffield Wednesday and the Scottish national team.
- Trevante Rhodes
Trevante Nemour Rhodes (born February 10, 1990) is an American actor.
- Xavier Rhodes
Xavier Rhodes (born June 19, 1990) is an American football cornerback for the Indianapolis Colts of the National Football League (NFL).
- Ben Rhodes (White House staffer)
Benjamin J. Rhodes (born November 14, 1977) is an American writer and political commentator.
- Kristin Rhodes
Kristin Rhodes née Danielson is an American strength athlete who is foremost known as the winner of the United Strongmen Women's World Championships competition held in 2012.
- Brandi Rhodes
Brandi Alexis Runnels (née Reed; born June 23, 1983), known professionally as Brandi Rhodes, is an American professional wrestler, businesswoman, and television personality.
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Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Rhodes Numerology: Name Rhodes has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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