What does the name Renzo mean? What is the meaning of the name Renzo
Meaning of Renzo: Name Renzo in the Japanese, Italian origin, means The third son in the family. Name Renzo is of Japanese, Italian origin and is a Boy name.
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Lord of the night; Lord of the full moon night; Name means Lord of Full Moon Day in Sanskrit
A variant spelling of the Quranic name Raqeem; Said to be derived from Raheem which means compassionate
Leader; A surname representing a Community of dominant caste and prosperous people from the state of Andhra Pradesh
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Famous people with name Renzo (Namesakes)
- Renzo Piano
Renzo Piano ( pee-AH-noh, Italian: [ˈrɛntso ˈpjaːno]; born 14 September 1937) is an Italian architect.
- Renzo Gracie
Renzo Gracie (Portuguese: [ˈʁẽzu ˈɡɾejsi]; born March 11, 1967) is a Brazilian mixed martial artist and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioner.
- Renzo Rosso
Renzo Rosso (born September 15, 1955) is an Italian fashion entrepreneur.
- Renzo Arbore
Lorenzo Giovanni "Renzo" Arbore (Italian pronunciation: [ˈrɛntso ˈarbore]; born 24 June 1937) is an Italian TV host, showman, singer, musician, film actor, and film director.
- Renzo Yáñez
Renzo Alberto Yáñez Adasme (born 5 June 1980) is a Chilean footballer that currently plays for Curicó Unido as striker.
- Renzo Sheput
Renzo Santiago Sheput Rodríguez (born 8 November 1980 in Lima, Peru) is a retired Peruvian footballer of Croatian descent, who played as an attacking midfielder.
- Renzo Rossellini (producer)
Renzo Rossellini (born 24 August 1941), also called Rossellini Jr., is an Italian film producer, left-wing political activist and communication innovator.
- Renzo Fontona
Renzo Fontona (born 2 July 1939) is an Italian racing cyclist.
- Renzo Agresta
Renzo Pasquale Zeglio Agresta (born 27 June 1985) is a Brazilian fencer.
- Renzo Bossi
Renzo Bossi (born 8 September 1988) is an ex Italian politician, influencer, son of Umberto Bossi, founder and former leader of the Lega Nord party.
- Renzo Saravia
Renzo Saravia (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈren.so saˈɾa.βja]; born 16 June 1993) is an Argentine footballer who plays as right back for Brazilian club Internacional, on loan from Portuguese club FC Porto.
- Renzo Zambrano
Renzo José Zambrano (born 26 August 1994) is a Venezuelan footballer who plays for Portland Timbers in Major League Soccer as a midfielder.
- Jordan Renzo
Jordan Renzo is a British born American actor, best known for his role as Matteusz Andrzejewski in the BBC's Doctor Who spin-off Class.
- Renzo Ostino
Renzo Ostino (born 7 May 1936) is an Italian rower.
- Renzo Alfani
- Renzo Lopez
Renzo López Patrón (born April 16, 1994) is a Uruguayan football player for O'Higgins on loan from Racing Club.
- Renzo Paparelli
- Renzo Spinaci
- Renzo Caramaschi
Renzo Caramaschi (born 4 March 1946 in Bolzano) is an Italian politician.
He is an independent politician of centre-left and was elected Mayor of Bolzano at the 2016 local elections.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Renzo Numerology: Name Renzo has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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