What does the name Ramazan mean? What is the meaning of the name Ramazan
Meaning of Ramazan: Name Ramazan in the Arabic origin, means Ninth month in Muslim calendar. Name Ramazan is of Arabic origin and is a Boy name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Ramazan: Ninth month in Muslim calendar
Popular names also beginning with 'r'
Lord of the night; Lord of the full moon night; Name means Lord of Full Moon Day in Sanskrit
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Leader; A surname representing a Community of dominant caste and prosperous people from the state of Andhra Pradesh
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Famous people with name Ramazan (Namesakes)
- Ramazan Kahya
Ramazan Kahya (born 16 September 1984) is a Turkish professional footballer.
- Ramazan Ramazanov
Ramazan "The Punisher" Ramazanov (Russian: Рамазан Рамазанов; born June 22, 1984) is a Russian kickboxer.
- Ramazan Tunç
Ramazan Tunç (born 17 September 1975) is a former Turkish international footballer.
- Ramazan Kurşunlu
Ramazan Kurşunlu (born July 7, 1981 in Izmir, Turkey) is a Turkish retired footballer who most recently served as manager of Balıkesirspor.
- Ramazan Özcan
- Ramazan Abdulatipov
Ramazan Gadzhimuradovich Abdulatipov (Avar: Рамазан ГІабдулатІипов, Russian: Рамазан Гаджимурадович Абдулатипов;) (born 4 August 1946, in the Tlyaratinsky District of the Dagestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic)is a Dagestan politician of Avar heritage, professor.
- Ramazan Şahin
Ramazan Şahin (born Ramzan Irbaikhanov, Russian: Рамзан Ирбайханов, on 8 July 1983) is a Russian-Turkish freestyle wrestler of Chechen descent.
- Ramazan Köse
Ramazan Köse (born 12 May 1988 in Ankara, Turkey) is a Turkish football player.
- Ramazan Yıldırım
Ramazan Yıldırım (born 7 September 1975) is a German-born Turkish former footballer and manager.
- Ramazan Çevik
Ramazan Çevik (born 1 April 1992 in Maaseik) is a Belgian professional footballer of Turkish descent who plays as a winger for Samsunspor.
- Ramazan Isayev
Ramazan Shamilovich Isayev (Russian: Рамазан Шамилович Исаев; born 17 January 1998) is a Russian football player who plays for FC Ararat Yerevan.
- Ramazan Civelek
Ramazan Civelek (born 22 January 1996) is a Turkish footballer who plays for Fatih Karagümrük.
- Ramazan Öztürk
Ramazan Öztürk (born 19 March 1992) is a Turkish male badminton player.
- Ramazan Emeev
Ramazan Dadaevich Emeev (Russian: Рамазан Дадаевич Эмеев; born May 20, 1987 in Dagestan) is a Russian mixed martial artist of Avar heritage.
- Ramazan Döne
Ramazan Döne (born 10 July 1981) is a Turkish handballer who plays for Besiktas Mogaz HT and the Turkey national team.
- Ramazan Özkepir
Ramazan Özkepir (born January 2, 1955) is a Turkish jurist.
- Ramazan Keskin
Ramazan Keskin (born 4 January 1999) is a Turkish professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for Bursaspor.
- Ramazan Gül
Ramazan Gül (born 14 February 1967) is a Turkish boxer.
- Ramazan Ballioğlu
Ramazan Ballioğlu (born 10 August 1979) is a Turkish boxer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 11
Baby Name Ramazan Numerology: Name Ramazan has a number value of 11 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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