What does the name Raimonds mean? What is the meaning of the name Raimonds
Meaning of Raimonds: Name Raimonds in the German, Latvian origin, means A form of Raymond, meaning guards wisely.. Name Raimonds is of German, Latvian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Raimonds are usually Christianity by religion.
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Popular names also beginning with 'r'
Lord of the night; Lord of the full moon night; Name means Lord of Full Moon Day in Sanskrit
A variant spelling of the Quranic name Raqeem; Said to be derived from Raheem which means compassionate
Leader; A surname representing a Community of dominant caste and prosperous people from the state of Andhra Pradesh
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Famous people with name Raimonds (Namesakes)
- Raimonds Vaikulis
Raimonds Vaikulis (born February 4, 1980 in Preili) is a Latvian former professional basketball player.
- Raimonds Rubiks
Raimonds Rubiks (born 9 June 1963) is a Latvian politician, the son of Alfrēds Rubiks and the brother of Artūrs Rubiks.
- Raimonds Pauls
Ojārs Raimonds Pauls (born 12 January 1936 in Iļģuciems, Riga, Latvia) is a Latvian composer and piano player who is well known in Latvia, Russia, post-Soviet countries and world-wide.
- Raimonds Vējonis
Raimonds Vējonis (born 15 June 1966) is a Latvian politician who served as the 9th President of Latvia from 2015 to 2019.
- Raimonds Bergmanis
Raimonds Bergmanis (born 25 July 1966) is a Latvian politician and former Minister of Defence.
- Raimonds Miglinieks
Raimonds Miglinieks (born July 16, 1970 in Riga, Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic, USSR) is a retired Latvian professional basketball player and basketball coach.
- Raimonds Vilde
Raimonds Vilde (born August 19, 1962) is a former Latvian volleyball player who competed in the 1988 Summer Olympics.
- Raimonds Vilkoits
Raimonds Vilkoits (born 10 April 1990) is Latvian professional ice-hockey player, who currently plays for HK Metalurgs Liepaja of the Belarusian Extraleague.
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Chitra Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Raimonds Numerology: Name Raimonds has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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