What does the name Ragnhild mean? What is the meaning of the name Ragnhild
Meaning of Ragnhild: Name Ragnhild in the Nordic origin, means Adviser in a battle. Name Ragnhild is of Nordic origin and is a Girl name.
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Popular names also beginning with 'r'
Lord of the night; Lord of the full moon night; Name means Lord of Full Moon Day in Sanskrit
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Leader; A surname representing a Community of dominant caste and prosperous people from the state of Andhra Pradesh
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Famous people with name Ragnhild (Namesakes)
- Ragnhild Bratberg
Ragnhild Bratberg (born June 9, 1961) is a Norwegian orienteering competitor and a cross country skier.
- Ragnhild Gulbrandsen
Ragnhild Øren Gulbrandsen (born 22 February 1977) is a Norwegian journalist and former football striker from the city of Trondheim who retired from football at the end of 2007.
- Ragnhild Bente Andersen
Ragnhild Bente Andersen (born 31 March 1965) is a Norwegian orienteering competitor and World champion.
- Ragnhild Aamodt
Ragnhild Aamodt (born 9 September 1980 in Sarpsborg) is a Norwegian handball player.
- Ragnhild Andenæs
Ragnhild Andenæs (born 28 September 1977) is a Norwegian fencer.
- Ragnhild Hemsing
Ragnhild Hemsing (born 15 February 1988 in Valdres, Norway) is a Norwegian classical violinist and older sister of the classical violinist Eldbjørg Hemsing.
- Ragnhild Mowinckel
Ragnhild Mowinckel (born 12 September 1992) is a Norwegian World Cup alpine ski racer, representing the club SK Rival.
- Ragnhild Kostøl
Ragnhild Kostøl (born 25 May 1969) is a Norwegian cyclist.
- Ragnhild Furebotten
- Ragnhild Haga
Ragnhild Haga (born 12 February 1991) is a Norwegian olympic champion cross-country skier.
- Ragnhild Hennum
Ragnhild Helene Hennum (born 11 June 1967) is a Norwegian jurist, academic administrator and women's rights leader.
- Ragnhild Sælthun Fjørtoft
Ragnhild Sælthun Fjørtoft (born 9 June 1947) is a Norwegian former television presenter.
- Ragnhild Nilstun
Ragnhild Nilstun (born 31 January 1943) is a Norwegian novelist, children's writer and literary critic.
- Ragnhild Valle Dahl
Ragnhild Valle Dahl (born 2 January 1998) is a Norwegian female handballer who plays for Vipers Kristiansand.
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Chitra Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Ragnhild Numerology: Name Ragnhild has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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