What does the name Ra mean? What is the meaning of the name Ra?
Meaning of Ra: Name Ra in the Egyptian origin, means The Sun. Name Ra is of Egyptian origin and is a Boy name.
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Popular names also beginning with 'r'
Lord of the night; Lord of the full moon night; Name means Lord of Full Moon Day in Sanskrit
A variant spelling of the Quranic name Raqeem; Said to be derived from Raheem which means compassionate
Leader; A surname representing a Community of dominant caste and prosperous people from the state of Andhra Pradesh
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Famous people with name Ra (Namesakes)
- Au/Ra
Jamie Lou Stenzel (born 15 May 2002), known by her stage name as Au/Ra, is an Antiguan-German singer-songwriter.
- Sha Ra
Sha Ra is an actor known for acting in Meesaya Murukku and Iruttu Araiyil Murattu Kuththu.
- Jang Na-ra
Jang Na-ra (Korean: 장나라; born March 18, 1981) is a South Korean singer, record producer and actress active in both the South Korean and Chinese entertainment industries since 2001.
- Shin Ae-ra
Shin Ae-ra (born July 3, 1969) is a South Korean actress.
- Khar Ra
Khar Ra (Burmese: ခါရာ, also spelt Kharra and Kha Ra; born Myo Htut Naing on 21 October 1993) is a Burmese actor, model and singer of ethnic Shan-Chinese descent.
- Afu-Ra
Aaron Phillip (born January 31, 1974), better known by his stage name Afu-Ra, is a New York-based American underground rapper.
- Ezra Koenig
Ezra Michael Koenig (born April 8, 1984) is an American musician, singer-songwriter, television producer, record producer, radio personality, and screenwriter.
- Go Ara
Go Ara (Korean: 고아라; born February 11, 1990) is a South Korean actress and model.
- Chae Shi-ra
Chae Shi-ra (born June 25, 1968) is a South Korean actress born in Seoul.
- Kang So-ra
Kang So-ra (Korean: 강소라, born February 18, 1990) is a South Korean actress.
- Nam Bo-ra
Nam Bo-ra (Korean: 남보라; born November 27, 1989) is a South Korean actress.
- Yoon Bo-ra
Yoon Bo-ra (born December 30, 1989), better known by the mononym Bora, is a South Korean singer and actress.
- Ra. Sankaran
Ramarathnam Sankaran (born 12 June 1931), popularly known as Ra.
- Kwon Nara
Kwon Na-ra (Korean: 권나라) (changed her name legally to Kwon Ah-yoon (Korean: 권아윤), known by her stage name Nara, is a South Korean singer and actress.
- Yura (South Korean singer)
Kim Ah-young (born November 6, 1992), better known by her stage name Yura, is a South Korean singer and actress.
- Ra Mi-ran
Ra Mi-ran (born March 6, 1975) is a South Korean actress and television personality.
- Hwang Bo-ra
Hwang Bo-ra (born October 2, 1983) is a South Korean actress.
- Kim Bo-ra
Kim Bo-ra (Korean: 김보라, born September 28, 1995) is a South Korean actress.
- Aron Ra
Aron Ra (formerly L. Aron Nelson, born October 15, 1962) is an American author, podcaster, and atheist activist.
- Oh Na-ra
Oh Na-ra (Korean: 오나라, born October 26, 1974), is a South Korean television and film actress, known for her roles in Yong-pal, Hyde, Jekyll, Me, Flowers of the Prison, Man to Man, The Lady in Dignity, My Mister, and Sky Castle.
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Chitra Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Ra Numerology: Name Ra has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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