Quranic Baby Names With Meanings

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Looking for the perfect Quranic baby name? Welcome to The ParentZ complete list of Quranic Baby names. Thanks for choosing us, The ParentZ Baby Name Finder, Largest Baby names list, to find Quranic names with meanings for your newborn or expected baby. At TheParentZ.com, we understand requirements of parents when it comes to naming their newborn baby .

The names of Quranic origin are usually derived from Arabic words and phrases that appear in the Quran. These words and phrases are often associated with positive qualities such as beauty, strength, and wisdom. For example, the name “Aisha” is derived from the Arabic word “A’ish,” which means “life” or “living”. Similarly, the name “Fatima” is derived from the Arabic word “Fatemah,” which means “one who weans”.

It is also common for names of Quranic origin to be formed by combining two or more Arabic words. For example, the name “Abdullah” is formed by combining the words “Abd” (meaning “servant”) and “Allah” (meaning “God”). Another example is the name “Maryam,” which is formed by combining the words “Mary” (meaning “beloved”) and “am” (meaning “servant”)

This collection has all Quranic Baby Names - traditional, modern, religious, trendy, popular, cute, short and sweet and easy to pronounce Quranic baby names to help you make the right choice!

You can view all Quranic baby names alphabetically with their meanings and filter them through various options. Click on any baby name for more details and meanings.

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Quranic Baby Names List


Moon light, early, quick. It is derived from the B-D-R root which is used in the Quran in verse 3:123 in the word Badr, which means 'full moon' and is the name of a famous battle.


Powerful, complete, worshipper of allah, it also signifies the one who is good intellectually and requires several outlet of energies, Worshipper


Worshiper, devotee, adorer.Female name of aabid.




Mark, sign, Trace


A good-looking, handsome and pretty man


To be alive


To recite, Read


Pious and God-fearing woman devoted to God


A person that is well-know and famous


A person whose acts have gained his gratefulness of people


A feeling of safety and security


A woman who is hidden, covered and modest


A man whose personality is happy and joyful


An Arabic name that meas Rain


A woman who is love, affection, comapassion and harmony


A woman who is loving, compassionate


To weight and judge the propriety and justice of deeds


The most important and precious part of human body, which give light to our path; eyes


Vastness, Magnitude in size, greater than anything


Sweet as nectar, honeyed as sugary.


One who is saved out of water. The name of a Prophet of Almighty


A woman who smells good


A special gate of Heaven for people who fasted a lot in their lives


An open-minded and generous Boy

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