What does the name Quinten mean? What is the meaning of the name Quinten
Meaning of Quinten: Name Quinten in the English origin, means The fifth son. Name Quinten is of English origin and is a Boy name.
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BROTHERS: Sibling Brother names for Quinten
Famous people with name Quinten (Namesakes)
- Quinten Hann
Quinten Hann (born 4 June 1977) is an Australian former professional snooker player.
- Christopher Quinten
Christopher Quinten (born Christopher Bell; 12 July 1957) is a British actor, best known for his role as Brian Tilsley on Coronation Street, which he played from 1978 to 1989.
- Quinten Lynch
Quinten Peter Lynch (born 24 January 1983) is a former Australian rules footballer who played with the Collingwood Football Club and the West Coast Eagles in the Australian Football League (AFL).
- Quinten Burg
Quinten L. Burg (born 1948) is an American politician.
- Quinten Lawrence
Quinten Louis Lawrence (born September 21, 1984) is a former gridiron football defensive back.
- Quinten Rollins
Quinten Benjamin Frederick Rollins (born July 15, 1992) is an American football cornerback who is currently a free agent.
- Quinten Hermans
Quinten Hermans (born 29 July 1995) is a Belgian road and cyclo-cross cyclist, who currently rides for UCI ProTeam Circus–Wanty Gobert in road racing, and the Tormans CX team in cyclo-cross.
In 2015 he won the European under–23 cyclo-cross championships.
- Quinten Strange
- Quinten van Dalm
Quinten Xerxes van Dalm (born 26 June 1972) is a former Dutch badminton player, and later represented Denmark.
- Abhishikth
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Quinten Numerology: Name Quinten has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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