What does the name Quang mean? What is the meaning of the name Quang
Meaning of Quang: Name Quang in the Vietnamese origin, means A bright, clear one. Name Quang is of Vietnamese origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Quang (Namesakes)
- Quang Vinh
Trần Quang Vinh (born 18 May 1982 in Ho Chi Minh City), also known by his stage name Quang Vinh, is a Vietnamese pop singer.
Apparently, he's still active.
- Phú Quang
Nguyễn Phú Quang (born October 13, 1949), known popularly simply as Phú Quang, is an influential Vietnamese composer, primarily known for his love songs and songs about Hanoi.
- Huỳnh Quang Thanh
Huỳnh Quang Thanh (born October 10, 1984 in Hồ Chí Minh City, Vietnam) is a Vietnamese footballer who was a defender for Long An.
- Lê Quang Liêm
Lê Quang Liêm (born 13 March 1991) is a Vietnamese chess player, the top-ranked of his country.
- Phùng Quang Thanh
Phùng Quang Thanh (born 2 February, 1948 in Hanoi) was Vietnam's Minister of Defense (2006-2016)
Phùng Quang Thanh was an officer of the Vietnam People's Army and a member of the Politburo of the Communist Party of Vietnam.
- Trần Minh Quang
Trần Minh Quang is a former Vietnamese goalkeeper.
- Bùi Quang Huy
Bùi Quang Huy (born January 5, 1983 in Thái Bình Province is a Vietnamese footballer, playing for club Vicem Hải Phòng as goalkeeper.
- Phạm Quang Nghị
Phạm Quang Nghị (born 2 September 1949 in Thanh Hóa Province) was the Secretary of the Party Committee in Ha Noi City from 2011 to 2016.
- Tô Quang Trung
Tô Quang Trung (born June 8, 1984) is a Vietnamese professional basketball player for the Thang Long Warriors of the Vietnam Basketball Association (VBA) and Saigon Heat of the ASEAN Basketball League (ABL).
- Nguyen Quang Lap
Nguyen Quang Lap is a Vietnamese writer, playwright, and screenwriter.
- Nguyễn Quang Hải (footballer, born 1997)
Nguyễn Quang Hải (born 12 April 1997 in Đông Anh, Hanoi) is a Vietnamese professional footballer who plays as an attacking midfielder for Hà Nội F.C and Vietnam national football team.
- Đặng Quang Huy
Đặng Quang Huy (born 12 May 1992) is a Vietnamese footballer who plays as a midfielder for V.League 1 club Than Quảng Ninh.
- Ngô Quang Huy
Ngô Quang Huy (born 28 November 1990) is a Vietnamese footballer who plays as an Attacking midfielder for V-League (Vietnam) club Quảng Nam.
- Vũ Quang Nam
Vũ Quang Nam (born 22 August 1992) is a Vietnamese footballer who plays as a Winger for V-League (Vietnam) club Hồ Chí Minh City.
- Nguyễn Quang Minh
Nguyễn Quang Minh (born 16 December 1982) is a former Vietnamese badminton player who later played for the United States.
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Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Quang Numerology: Name Quang has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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