What does the name Qiu mean? What is the meaning of the name Qiu?
Meaning of Qiu: Name Qiu in the Chinese origin, means Autumn in Chinesee; Hanyu Pinyin transliteration of the Chinesee family names. Name Qiu is of Chinese origin and is a Unisex name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Qiu: Autumn in Chinesee; Hanyu Pinyin transliteration of the Chinesee family names
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Famous people with name Qiu (Namesakes)
- Yuen Qiu
Cheung Cheun-Nam, known professionally as Yuen Qiu (Chinese: 元秋; born 19 April 1950), is a Chinese actress and martial artist.
- Qiu Jun (go player)
Qiu Jun (Chinese: 邱峻; Pinyin: Qiū Jùn; born August 24, 1982) is a Chinese professional Go player.
- Qiu Shengjiong
Qiu Shengjiong (Chinese: 邱盛炯; pinyin: Qiū Shèngjiǒng; born 1 September 1985, in Shanghai) is a Chinese football goalkeeper who currently plays for China League One side Guangdong South China Tiger.
- Qiu Li
Qiu Li (Chinese: 邱礼, born June 6, 1981 in Shenyang, Liaoning, China) is a naturalised Chinese-Singaporean former professional association football player.
- Qiu Bo
Qiu Bo (Chinese: 邱波; pinyin: Qiū Bō; born 31 January 1993) is a Chinese diver.
- Qiu Tianyi
Qiu Tianyi (Chinese: 邱添一 born 31 January 1989 Shenyang, Liaoning) is a professional Chinese footballer who currently plays for Tianjin Teda in the Chinese Super League.
- Qiu Xigui
Qiu Xigui (simplified Chinese: 裘锡圭; traditional Chinese: 裘錫圭; Wade–Giles: Ch'iu Hsi-kuei; born 13 July 1935) is a Chinese historian, palaeographer, and professor of Fudan University.
- Qiu Yong
Qiu Yong (Chinese: 邱勇; pinyin: Qiū Yŏng; born 28 July 1964) is a Chinese chemist.
- Qiu Xiaojun
Qiu Xiaojun (裘晓君) (born June 30, 1990, Hangzhou, China) is a Chinese professional boxer and the current WBC Silver Super Bantamweight Champion.
- Qiu Xinyi
Qiu Xinyi (Chinese: 邱欣怡; pinyin: Qiū Xīnyí; born January 11, 1997 in Taipei, Taiwan) is an idol singer from Tsinchu based in Shanghai.
- Qiu Ziao
Qiu Ziao (Chinese: 邱 子傲, born 30 August 1998) is a Chinese swimmer.
- Qiu Jianliang
Qiu Jianliang (Chinese: 邱建良; pinyin: qiū jiàn liáng) is a Chinese Muay Thai kickboxer.
- Qiu Zhuoyang
Qiu Zhuoyang (born 23 June 1996) is a Chinese tennis player.
- Qiu Leng
Qiu Leng (Chinese: 邱冷; pinyin: Qiū Lěng; Mandarin pronunciation: [tɕʰjóu lə̀ŋ]; born 29 September 1997) is a Chinese snowboarder.
- Qiu Menghuang
Qiu Menghuang (Chinese: 邱孟煌; pinyin: Qiū Mènghuáng, born 12 December 1968), also known as his stage name A Qiu (阿丘), is a Chinese television presenter and blogger.
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Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 2
Baby Name Qiu Numerology: Name Qiu has a number value of 2 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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