What does the name Qing mean? What is the meaning of the name Qing
Meaning of Qing: Name Qing in the Chinese origin, means A name for greenish blue color. Name Qing is of Chinese origin and is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Qing (Namesakes)
- Zheng Qing
Zheng Qing (born 15 September 1959) is a Chinese water polo player.
- Zhang Qing (biathlete)
Zhang Qing (born 7 April 1980) is a Chinese skier.
- Jia Qing
Jia Qing (born November 2, 1986) is a Chinese actress and singer.
- Pang Qing
Pang Qing (simplified Chinese: 庞清; traditional Chinese: 龐清; pinyin: Páng Qīng; born December 24, 1979 in Harbin, Heilongjiang) is a Chinese pair skater.
- Hu Qing
Hu Qing (born January 19, 1986) is a male amateur boxer from China.
- Liu Qing (footballer)
Liu Qing (simplified Chinese: 刘清; traditional Chinese: 劉清; pinyin: Liú Qīng; born 5 April 1986 in Qingdao) is a Chinese footballer currently playing for Qingdao Huanghai as a defender in the China League One.
- Tian Qing
Tian Qing (Chinese: 田卿; pinyin: Tián Qīng; born August 19, 1986) is a women's and mixed doubles badminton player from China.
- Wu Qing (footballer)
Wu Qing (Chinese: 吴庆 born 4 July 1981) is a Chinese footballer who currently plays as a Left winger or Left back for Chongqing Lifan in the Chinese Super League.
- Xu Qing
Xu Qing (Chinese: 许晴; born 22 January 1969), known also as Summer Qing, is a Chinese actress.
- Dong Qing
Dong Qing (Chinese: 董卿; pinyin: Dǒng Qīng; born 17 November 1973) is a Chinese television host.
- Wang Qing (actor)
Wang Qing (born 10 March 1993 in Beijing) is a Chinese actor, singer and host.
- Ma Qing
Ma Qing (Chinese: 马青; born 24 August 1992) is a Chinese female canoeist.
- Xie Qing
Xie Qing (born February 11, 1988) is a Chinese swimmer.
- Lee Zhi Qing
Lee Zhi Qing (born 27 September 1998) is a Malaysian female badminton player.
- Hai Qing
Hai Qing (Chinese: 海清; pinyin: Hǎi Qīng; born 12 January 1978) is a Chinese film and television actress who has appeared in such films as Finding Mr.
- Ye Qing
Ye Qing (Chinese: 叶青; born 13 November 1988) is a Chinese actress.
- Su Qing (actress)
Su Qing (Chinese: 苏青, born 5 July 1989) is a Chinese actress.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 11
Baby Name Qing Numerology: Name Qing has a number value of 11 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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