What does the name Putra mean? What is the meaning of the name Putra
Meaning of Putra: Name Putra in the Indonesian origin, means To be someone's son. Name Putra is of Indonesian origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Putra (Namesakes)
- I Komang Putra Adnyana
I. Komang Putra is a former Indonesian football goalkeeper who played for Indonesia in the 2000 Asian Cup.
- Jonathan Putra
Jonathan Putra (born September 12, 1982) is a television host and actor, Channel V VJ, model, and musician.
- Indra Putra Mahayuddin
Indra Putra Bin Mahayuddin, P.B. (born 2 September 1981) is a Malaysian footballer who plays for Malaysia Super League side Kuala Lumpur and also a player in the Malaysia national team.
- Putra Nababan
Putra Nababan (born 28 July 1974) is an Indonesian newsreader, journalist and editor in chief of MetroTV. He has received four Panasonic Gobel awards.
- Jandia Eka Putra
Jandia Eka Putra (born July 14, 1987 in Padang, West Sumatra), is an Indonesian professional footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for PSIS Semarang.
- Tommy Rifka Putra
Tommy Rifka Putra (born June 26, 1984 in Padang Panjang, West Sumatra), is an Indonesian footballer who plays as a defender for Semen Padang.
- Ahmad Maulana Putra
Ahmad Maulana Putra (born July 27, 1988) is an Indonesian professional footballer who currently plays for Semen Padang in the Liga 2.
- Pawira Putra
Pawira Putra (born on April 27, 1989 in Pelalawan Regency) is an Indonesian footballer who currently plays for PSPS Pekanbaru in the Indonesia Super League.
- Aleksandra Putra
Aleksandra (Alexandra) Putra (born 20 September 1986) is a Polish competitive swimmer.
- Arifin Putra
Putra Arifin Scheunemann (born 1 May 1987), known professionally as Arifin Putra, is a German-born Indonesian actor.
- Tengku Putra
Dato' Setia Tengku Putra ibni Tengku Bendahara Azman Shah (born 22 July 1951) is a Malaysian corporate figure and a member of the Selangor Royal Family and Kelantan Royal Family.
- Angga Febryanto Putra
Angga Febryanto Putra (born February 4, 1995) is an Indonesian professional footballer who currently plays as a forward for Persibat Batang in the Liga 2.
- Aji Bayu Putra
Aji Bayu Putra (born May 11, 1993) is an Indonesian professional footballer who currently plays as a goalkeeper for Persiraja Banda Aceh in the Inodnesian Liga 1.
- Putra Aprilianto
Putra Aprilianto (born in April 29, 1995), is an Indonesian professional footballer who currently plays as forward for Liga 2 club Mitra Kukar.
- Beckham Putra
Beckham Putra Nugraha or Etam (born 29 October 2001) is an Indonesian professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for Liga 1 club Persib Bandung.
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Hasta Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 22
Baby Name Putra Numerology: Name Putra has a number value of 22 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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