Purva Phaluguni Nakshatra Baby Names with Meanings
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Looking for the perfect Purva-Phaluguni Nakshatra baby name? Welcome to The ParentZ complete list of Purva-Phaluguni Nakshatra Baby names. Thanks for choosing us, The ParentZ Baby Name Finder, Largest Baby names list, to find Purva-Phaluguni Nakshatra names with meanings for your newborn or expected baby. At TheParentZ.com, we understand requirements of parents when it comes to naming their newborn baby .
This collection has all Purva-Phaluguni Nakshatra Baby Names - traditional, modern,religious, trendy, popular, cute, short and sweet and easy to pronounce Purva-Phaluguni Nakshatra baby names to help you make the right choice!
You can view all Purva-Phaluguni Nakshatra baby names alphabetically with their meanings and filter them through various options. Click on any baby name for more details and meanings.
Purva-Phaluguni Nakshatra Baby Names List
Name | Gender | Meaning |
Boy | A dark skinned person, a saviour or defender | |
Girl | Derived from the word 'Mehr' which means someone who is lovable, kind and friendly. | |
Boy | A Kind-hearted, merciful, gentle person. One who is benign. | |
Girl | Hawaiian - Ocean; A variant transcription is Moanna | |
Girl | Hawaiian - Ocean; A variant form of Moana | |
Boy | The most beautiful Aroma that is full of wonders. | |
Boy | A girl likely the sun or as gracious as the sun. | |
Boy | A beautiful or a pretty lady. One who is calm, pleasing or attractive to the eyes. | |
Girl | From the clearing with the mound; A variant form of Moberley | |
Boy | Freedom | |
Boy | A boy who is born of wealth. | |
Girl | A woman who is benevolent, generous. Possess or manifest love for mankind. | |
Boy | A refined, deep and creative being | |
Girl | Combination of two words 'Mehr' and 'Nisa' beautiful and faithful woman. | |
Boy | Mehry derives from the word 'Mehr' that means 'The Sun'. It also means someone who is kind and lovable. | |
Boy | Limited; Relative or Kinsman | |
Boy | A man wearing a crown of wealth or affluence. | |
Boy | Pleasing; A name of a food favorite to the Hindu God Ganesha | |
Girl | The light of the moon | |
Boy | Enjoyment; Fun; Pleasure; | |
Boy | The God of love and infatuation | |
Boy | Hindu Lord of Love and affection | |
Girl | A term used to refer a Prince from East-Indian Region. Mehtar is referred to a Prince. | |
Girl | Mehul is derived from a Sanskrit word 'Meh' which means 'Rain' or 'Cloud'. | |
Girl | Mehula is referred to the Rain. It is derived from Sanskrit word 'Meh'. |