Punarvasu Nakshatra Baby - Names with Meanings
Expecting a baby is just the beginning of expecting some of the life's most cherished moments. Congratulations on this beautiful journey!
Looking for the perfect Punarvasu Nakshatra baby name? Welcome to The ParentZ complete list of Punarvasu Nakshatra Baby names. Thanks for choosing us, The ParentZ Baby Name Finder, Largest Baby names list, to find Punarvasu Nakshatra names with meanings for your newborn or expected baby. At TheParentZ.com, we understand requirements of parents when it comes to naming their newborn baby .
This collection has all Punarvasu Nakshatra Baby Names - traditional, modern,religious, trendy, popular, cute, short and sweet and easy to pronounce Punarvasu Nakshatra baby names to help you make the right choice!
You can view all Punarvasu Nakshatra baby names alphabetically with their meanings and filter them through various options. Click on any baby name for more details and meanings.
Punarvasu Nakshatra Baby Names List
Name | Gender | Meaning |
Girl | Kiss Of Life,Sunshine and warmth | |
Boy | Name of the son of Hazrat Aadam | |
Boy | Present; Attending; A variant of Hadhir | |
Boy | Guiding to the right, righteous | |
Girl | Very well behaved, well mannered | |
Girl | Protector, defender, to shield | |
Girl | Wife of prophet Ibrahim, mother of prophet Ismail | |
Girl | Honest,Pervading, Orderly; Pedlar; A variant of Haack | |
Boy | High son, decendent | |
Boy | Grown Up | |
Girl | Dreamer, Visionary | |
Girl | Praiser | |
Boy | Rooster; name of a place | |
Girl | Hebrew - Grace; Maori name family name; A variant of Hannah | |
Boy | Name of Kautilya, The Great Scholar | |
Boy | Happy; Delighted; Content; Joyful; A variant of Hani | |
Boy | Content, delighted, happy | |
Boy | Delighted, pleased, happy | |
Boy | Vigilant; Watchman; Guardian; Protector; Friend; A variant of Haris | |
Girl | Cultivator | |
Girl | Cheerful | |
Boy | Warrior lion, combatant, fighter | |
Boy | One who live the life with zeal, ardor and enthusiasm. | |
Boy | Skillfull; Intelligent; Brilliant | |
Unisex | Love, affiliation, friendship, hope |