What does the name Primož mean? What is the meaning of the name Primož
Meaning of Primož: Name Primož in the Slovene origin, means First. Name Primož is of Slovene origin and is a Boy name. People with name Primož are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Primož (Namesakes)
- Primož Peterka
Primož Peterka (Slovene pronunciation: [ˈpriːmɔʃ ˈpeːtərka] (listen); born 28 February 1979) is a Slovenian former ski jumper who competed from 1996 to 2011.
- Primož Brezec
Primož Brezec (born October 2, 1979) is a Slovenian retired professional basketball player.
- Primož Ulaga
Primož Ulaga (born 20 July 1962) is a Yugoslav/Slovenian former ski jumper.
- Primož Jakopin
Primož Jakopin (pron.
- Primož Kozmus
Primož Kozmus (born 30 September 1979 in Novo Mesto) is a Slovenian hammer thrower.
- Primož Gliha
Primož Gliha (born 8 October 1967) is a retired Slovenian football striker.
- Primož Legan
Primoz Legan (born 19 January 1983) is a Slovenian motorcycle speedway rider who was a member of Slovenia team at 2001 Speedway World Cup.
- Primož Klimkovsky
Primož Klenovšek named Klimovsky was (born 27 December 1983) is a Slovenian motorcycle speedway rider who was a member of Slovenia team at 2001 Speedway World Cup.
- Primož Pikl
Primož Pikl (born 25 August 1982) is a Slovenian former ski jumper who competed from 2002 to 2013.
- Primož Kobe
Primož Kobe (born 1981) is a Slovenian long-distance runner.
- Primož Prošt
Primož Prošt (born 14 July 1983) is a Slovenian professional handball player currently playing for Frisch Auf Göppingen.
- Primož Roglič
Primož Roglič (Slovenian: listen ; born 29 October 1989) is a Slovenian racing cyclist, who currently rides for UCI WorldTeam Team Jumbo–Visma.
- Primož Čerin
Primož Čerin (born 31 May 1962) is a Yugoslav former professional racing cyclist.
- Primož Urh-Zupan
Primož Urh-Zupan (born 22 January 1983) is a Slovenian former ski jumper who competed from 1999 to 2005.
- Primož Štrancar
Primož Štrancar (born 16 September 1972) is a Slovenian cyclist.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Primož Numerology: Name Primož has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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