What does the name Pontus mean? What is the meaning of the name Pontus
Meaning of Pontus: Name Pontus in the Greek origin, means Old Greek - Sea; Ocean; A Biblical name derived from word Pontos which means sea. Name Pontus is of Greek origin and is a Boy name. People with name Pontus are usually Christianity, Greek by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Pontus: Old Greek - Sea; Ocean; A Biblical name derived from word Pontos which means sea
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Famous people with name Pontus (Namesakes)
- Pontus Kåmark
Pontus Kåmark (born 5 April 1969) is a Swedish former footballer.
- Pontus Wernbloom
- Pontus Farnerud
Hans Pontus Farnerud (born 4 June 1980) is a Swedish former professional footballer who played as a midfielder.
- Marcin Pontus
Marcin Pontus (born 22 September 1985 in Opole) is a Polish footballer, who recently played for the Slovak 2.
- Pontus Carlsson
Pontus Carlsson (born December 18, 1982) is a Swedish chess grandmaster.
- Pontus Norgren
Karl Pontus Norgren is the current guitarist of the Swedish power metal band HammerFall and formerly played guitar for The Poodles.
- Pontus Engblom
Pontus Engblom (born 3 November 1991) is a Swedish footballer who plays as a forward for GIF Sundsvall in Superettan.
- Pontus Jansson
Pontus Sven Gustav Jansson (Swedish pronunciation: [ˈpɔ̌nːtɵs ˈjɑ̌ːnsɔn]; born 13 February 1991) is a Swedish professional footballer who plays as a centre back for English club Brentford and the Sweden national team.
- Pontus Sjögren
Pontus Sjögren (born April 13, 1985) is a Swedish professional ice hockey goaltender, currently playing for Dundee Stars in the EIHL. His youth team is IFK Tumba.
- Pontus Petterström
Pontus Petterström (born April 21, 1982) is a Swedish former professional ice hockey winger.
- Pontus Åberg
Pontus Åberg ( AW-bərg; born 23 September 1993) is a Swedish professional ice hockey forward currently playing for the Toronto Marlies in the American Hockey League (AHL) while under contract to the Toronto Maple Leafs of the National Hockey League (NHL).
- Pontus Åsbrink
Pontus Åsbrink (born 27 June 1992) is a Swedish footballer who currently plays for Akropolis IF as a right winger.
- Pontus Nordenberg
Pontus Nordenberg (born 16 February 1995) is a Swedish footballer who plays for Nyköpings BIS as a defender.
- Pontus Eklöf
Pontus Eklöf (born January 2, 1998) is a Swedish ice hockey player.
- Pontus Dahlberg
Pontus Jacob Ragne Dahlberg (born 21 January 1999) is a Swedish footballer who plays for Emmen, on loan from Watford, as a goalkeeper.
- Pontus Åhman
Pontus Lars Mikael Åhman (born 5 December 1994) is a Swedish rally driver, who drives in the Sweden Junior Rally Championship.
- Pontus Almqvist
Pontus Almqvist (born 10 July 1999) is a Swedish footballer who plays for IF Sylvia on loan from IFK Norrköping as a right midfielder.
- Pontus Silfwer
Pontus Silfwer (born 14 August 1991) is a Swedish footballer who plays for Sundsvall.
- Pontus Ståhlkloo
Pontus Ståhlkloo (born 5 June 1973) is a Swedish snowboarder.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Pontus Numerology: Name Pontus has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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