What does the name Pollock mean? What is the meaning of the name Pollock?
Meaning of Pollock: Name Pollock in the English origin, means A pit or a small rock. Name Pollock is of English origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Pollock (Namesakes)
- Shaun Pollock
Shaun Maclean Pollock OIS (born 16 July 1973) is a South African cricket commentator and former cricketer, who was captain in all formats of the game.
- Graeme Pollock
Robert Graeme Pollock (born 27 February 1944) is a former cricketer for South Africa, Transvaal and Eastern Province.
- Craig Pollock
Craig Pollock (born February 20, 1956) is a businessman who was the manager of the World Champion Formula One driver Jacques Villeneuve throughout his top-level career, and Founder CEO and team principal of the British American Racing team from 1999 to 2002.
- Eileen Pollock
Eileen Pollock (born 18 May 1947) is a Northern Irish actress whose work has included political theatre, pantomime, and the role of Lilo Lil in television series Bread.
- Peter Pollock
Peter Maclean Pollock (born 30 June 1941) is a retired South African cricketer.
- Emma Pollock
Emma Pollock (born 20 December 1972) is a Scottish singer-songwriter, musician, and a founding member of the bands The Delgados, The Burns Unit and The Fruit Tree Foundation.
- Jamie Pollock
Jamie Pollock (born 16 February 1974) is an English former professional footballer and manager who is currently both the chairman and manager of Billingham Synthonia.
As a player he was a midfielder from 1990 to 2002.
- David Pollock (rugby union)
David Pollock (born 19 March 1987 in Omagh, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland) is a retired rugby union player.
- David Pollock (actor)
David B. Pollock (born April 28, 1961) is a former American child actor best remembered for his portrayal of Rudi Stein in the movie The Bad News Bears and its sequels in 1977 and 1978.
- Andrew Graeme Pollock
- This article is about the son of Graeme Pollock.
- Donald Ray Pollock
Donald Ray Pollock (born December 23, 1954) is an American writer.
- Nick Pollock
Nick Pollock (born November 22, 1967) is a Seattle-based singer, guitarist, and songwriter best known for his work with the grunge band My Sister's Machine.
- Tom Pollock
Thomas Philip Pollock (born April 10, 1943) is an American motion picture producer.
- Alasdair Pollock
Alasdair Pollock (born 24 October 1993) is an English cricketer, who played first-class cricket for Cambridge MCCU. A right-arm medium-pacer, Pollock scored 44 not out on his first-class debut, against Essex County Cricket Club, at number 9 in the order, out of a total of just 99.
- A. J. Pollock
Allen Lorenz "A. J." Pollock (born December 5, 1987) is an American professional baseball center fielder for the Los Angeles Dodgers of Major League Baseball (MLB).
- Mike Pollock (voice actor)
Michael B. Pollock (born March 9, 1965) is an American voice actor best known as the voice of Doctor Eggman in the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise, as well as many characters in various anime English-language dubs and video games.
- Isobel Pollock-Hulf
Isobel Anne Pollock-Hulf (born 10 November 1954) is Visiting Professor in Engineering and Design at the University of Leeds.
- Ben Pollock
Ben Pollock (born 6 January 1998) is an English professional footballer for Hereford.
- Scott Pollock
- Mattie Pollock
Mattie William Pollock (born 28 September 2001) is an English professional footballer who plays as a defender for EFL League Two side Grimsby Town.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Pollock Numerology: Name Pollock has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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