What does the name Pius mean? What is the meaning of the name Pius?
Meaning of Pius: Name Pius in the Late Roman origin, means A pious, dutiful person. Name Pius is of Late Roman origin and is a Boy name. People with name Pius are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Pius (Namesakes)
- Pius Olowo
Pius Olowo (born 21 June 1948) is a Ugandan sprinter.
- Pius Dorn
Pius Dorn (born 24 September 1996) is a German football player who plays for FC Vaduz as a midfielder.
- Pius Ncube
Pius Alick Mvundla Ncube (born 31 December 1946) served as the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, until he resigned on 11 September 2007.
- Pius Ndiefi
Pius Ndiefi Sielenu (born 5 July 1975) is a former professional Cameroonian footballer who played as a striker.
- Pius Ikedia
Pius Nelson Ikedia (born 11 July 1980) is a Nigerian former football player who played as a winger for OFC in the Dutch Hoofdklasse.
- Pius Msekwa
Pius Msekwa (born 9 June 1935) was the Speaker of the National Assembly of Tanzania from April 1994 to November 2005.
- Pius Schwizer
Pius Schwizer (born 13 August 1962) is a Swiss Olympic-level equestrian who competes in the sport of show jumping.
- Pius Kolagano
Pius Kolagano (born 12 April 1979) is a Botswanan footballer who currently plays for Uniao Flamengo Santos as a defender.
- Anyim Pius Anyim
Anyim Pius Anyim (born 19 February 1961) is a Nigerian politician who served as the President of Nigerian senate and was Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF) during Goodluck Jonathan presidency.
- Pius Heinz
Pius Heinz (born 4 May 1989) is a German professional poker player from Bonn, best known as the winner of the Main Event at the 2011 World Series of Poker.
- Pius Grabher
Pius Grabher (born 11 August 1993) is an Austrian footballer who currently plays as a midfielder for Austria Lustenau.
- Junior Pius
Junior Udeme Pius (born 20 December 1995) is a Nigerian professional footballer who plays for Belgian club Royal Antwerp F.C. as a central defender.
- Priit Pius
Priit Pius (born 4 February 1989) is an Estonian stage, television, and film actor whose career began in the 2010s.
- Märt Pius
Märt Pius (born 4 February 1989) is an Estonian stage, television, and film actor whose career began in the 2010s.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 2
Baby Name Pius Numerology: Name Pius has a number value of 2 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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