What does the name Pina mean? What is the meaning of the name Pina
Meaning of Pina: Name Pina in the Hebrew origin, means Yahweh will give another son. Name Pina is of Hebrew origin and is a Girl name. People with name Pina are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Pina (Namesakes)
- Juan Pedro Pina
Juan Pedro Pina Martínez (born 29 June 1985 in Murcia) is a Spanish professional footballer who plays for Orihuela CF as a right back.
- Jorge Pina Roldán
Jorge Pina Roldán (born 28 February 1983 in Zaragoza, Aragon) is a Spanish footballer who plays for CD El Palo as a left winger.
- Paulo Pina
Paulo Jorge Martins dos Santos Pina (born 4 January 1981 in Setúbal, Portugal) is a Cape Verdean professional footballer who played for Cypriot club Ermis Aradippou FC as a central defender.
- Tomás Pina
Tomás Pina Isla (born 14 October 1987) is a Spanish professional footballer who plays for Deportivo Alavés as a central midfielder.
- Jorge Pina
Jorge Pina (born 26 January 1977) is a Spanish sabre fencer and a two-time Olympic fencer.
- Hugo Pina
Hugo Filipe Cabral Pina (born 16 February 1984) is a Portuguese footballer who plays as a defensive midfielder for S.U. Sintrense.
- María Pina
María Pina Tolosa, born in Valencia, on 8 August 1987, is a Spanish women's basketball 1.87 m small forward, who currently plays at Valencia Basket.
- Antonio Pereira Pina Neto
Antonio Pereira Pina Neto better known as Antonio Pina or Tufy (born March 26, 1989) is a Brazilian footballer who currently plays for Hong Linh Ha Tinh in V.League 1.
- Clàudia Pina
Clàudia Pina Medina (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈklawðja ˈpina]; born 12 August 2001) is a Spanish football forward currently playing for Barcelona in the Spanish First Division.
- Álex Pina
Álex Pina (born 23 June 1967) is a Spanish television producer, writer, series creator and director, known for the crime drama La Casa de Papel (Money Heist).
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 22
Baby Name Pina Numerology: Name Pina has a number value of 22 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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