What does the name Piero mean? What is the meaning of the name Piero
Meaning of Piero: Name Piero in the Greek, Italian origin, means Old Greek - Rock; Stone; A variant of Pietro; A form of Peter. Name Piero is of Greek, Italian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Piero are usually Greek by religion.
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Famous people with name Piero (Namesakes)
- Piero Chiambretti
Piero Chiambretti (born 30 May 1956) is an Italian television presenter.
- Piero Focaccia
Piero Focaccia (born 16 October 1944) is an Italian pop singer and film actor.
- Piero Messina
Piero Messina (born 30 April 1981) is an Italian film director.
- Yago Del Piero
Yago Del Piero (born 14 January 1994) is a Brazilian professional footballer who plays as a midfielder.
- Piero Scaruffi
Piero Scaruffi (born 26 April 1955) is an Italian-American freelance software consultant, university lecturer, and writer who maintains an website on which his reviews of music, film, and art are published.
- Piero Marini
Piero Marini (born 13 January 1942) is a Roman Catholic archbishop who is president of the Pontifical Committee for International Eucharistic Congresses.
- Piero Ferrari
Piero Lardi Ferrari (born 22 May 1945) is an Italian billionaire businessman and sport personality.
- Piero Marrazzo
Piero Marrazzo (born 29 July 1958) is an Italian journalist and politician.
- Piero Pelù
Piero Pelù (born 10 February 1962) is an Italian singer and songwriter, best known for his work with the Italian band Litfiba.
- Piero de Benedictis
Piero De Benedictis (stage name Piero) (born April 19, 1945) is an Italian-born Argentine singer/songwriter who also holds Colombian citizenship.
- Piero Angela
Piero Angela (Italian pronunciation: [ˈpjɛːro ˈandʒela] ; born 22 December 1928) is an Italian television host, science journalist, writer and pianist.
- Gian Piero Gasperini
Gian Piero Gasperini (born 26 January 1958) is an Italian football manager and former player, who is currently the manager of Italian side Atalanta.
- Gloria De Piero
Gloria De Piero (born 21 December 1972) is a former British Labour Party politician and journalist.
- Alessandro Del Piero
Alessandro Del Piero (Italian pronunciation: [alesˈsandro del ˈpjeːro]; born 9 November 1974) is an Italian former professional footballer who mainly played as a deep-lying forward, although he was capable of playing in several offensive positions.
- Piero Bucchi
Piero Bucchi (born March 5, 1958) is an Italian basketball head coach, currently managing Virtus Roma in the Italian Lega Basket Serie A.
- Bella Piero
Izabella Carneiro de Campos Pieruccetti (born January 6, 1996), known by her stage name Bella Piero, is a Brazilian actress.
- Piero Badaloni
Piero Badaloni (born 8 September 1946) is an Italian journalist and politician, President of Lazio from 1995 to 2000.
- Piero Cassano
Piero Cassano (born September 13, 1948 in Genoa) is an Italian keyboardist, singer and composer, a founding member of the Genoan band Matia Bazar.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Piero Numerology: Name Piero has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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