What does the name Philippa mean? What is the meaning of the name Philippa
Meaning of Philippa: Name Philippa in the French, यूनानी (ग्रीक) origin, means A lover and friend of horses. Name Philippa is of French, यूनानी (ग्रीक) origin and is a Boy name. People with name Philippa are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Philippa (Namesakes)
- Philippa Gregory
Philippa Gregory (born 9 January 1954) is an English historical novelist who has been publishing since 1987.
- Philippa Forrester
Philippa Forrester (born 20 September 1968 in Winchester, Hampshire) is a British television and radio presenter, producer and author.
- Philippa York
Philippa York (born Robert Millar on 13 September 1958) is a Scottish journalist and former professional road racing cyclist.
- Philippa Tomson
Pip Tomson (born 30 August 1977) is an English journalist and presenter.
- Philippa Marrack
Philippa "Pippa" Marrack FRS (born 28 June 1945) is an English immunologist and academic, based in the United States, best known for her research into T cell development, T cell apoptosis and survival, adjuvants, autoimmune disease, and for identifying superantigens, the mechanism behind toxic shock syndrome.
- Philippa Thomas
Philippa Thomas (born 22 November 1965) is a British television newsreader and journalist, both domestic and foreign, at the BBC and the main presenter of World News Today which airs on BBC World News, BBC News Channel and BBC Four.
- Philippa Ballantine
Philippa Ballantine (born 8 August 1971), who also used the pen name Pip Ballantine, is a contemporary New Zealand author of speculative fiction and an avid podcaster.
- Philippa Coulthard
Philippa Anne Coulthard is an Australian television actress, best known for playing Jorjie in the Doctor Who spin-off series K-9, lead character Amber Mitchell in Lightning Point, and Helen Schlegel in the BBC production of Howards End.
- Philippa Hanna
Philippa Hanna (born 28 March 1984) is a British singer-songwriter from Sheffield, England.
- Philippa Lowthorpe
Philippa Lowthorpe (born 27 December 1961) is an award-winning film and television director.
- Philippa Whitford
Philippa Whitford (born 24 December 1958) is a Scottish National Party (SNP) politician and a breast surgeon.
- Philippa Roe, Baroness Couttie
Philippa Marion Roe, Baroness Couttie (born 25 September 1962) is a British Conservative politician, who served as Leader of Westminster City Council from 2012 to 2017.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Philippa Numerology: Name Philippa has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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