
What does the name Philip mean? What is the meaning of the name Philip

Meaning of Philip: Name Philip in the French, यूनानी (ग्रीक) origin, means A great person who is the lover of horses. Name Philip is of French, यूनानी (ग्रीक) origin and is a Boy name. People with name Philip are usually Judaism by religion.

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A great person who is the lover of horses
1 word with 6 characters
Pythagorean Numerology
Indian Vedic Numerology
Nakshatra (Birth Star)
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Meaning and Origin

Meaning and Origin
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Example: Arun of Sanskrit origin - [ अरुण ]

Example: Arun of Sanskrit origin - [ ARR-UHN ]


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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Philip: A great person who is the lover of horses

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Famous people with name Philip (Namesakes)

  1. Philip Glass

    Philip Glass (born January 31, 1937) is an American composer and pianist.

  2. Philip Pullman

    Sir Philip Pullman, CBE, FRSL (born 19 October 1946) is an English novelist.

  3. Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

    Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh (born Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark, 10 June 1921), is the husband of Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth realms.

  4. Philip Selway

    Philip James Selway (born 23 May 1967) is an English musician, singer, and songwriter best known as the drummer of English rock group Radiohead.

  5. Philip Hammond

    Philip Hammond (born 4 December 1955) is a British former Conservative Party politician who was Chancellor of the Exchequer from 2016 to 2019 under Prime Minister Theresa May.

  6. Philip Zimbardo

    Philip George Zimbardo (; born March 23, 1933) is an American psychologist and a professor emeritus at Stanford University.

  7. Philip Anschutz

    Philip Frederick Anschutz ( AN-shoots; born December 28, 1939) is an American billionaire businessman who owns or controls many companies in a variety of businesses, including energy, railroads, real estate, sports, newspapers, movies, theaters, arenas and music.

  8. Emo Philips

    Emo Philips (born February 7, 1956) is an American stand-up comedian, actor, voice actor, writer and producer.

  9. Philip Green

    Sir Philip Nigel Ross Green (born 15 March 1952) is a British billionaire businessman, and the chairman of Arcadia Group, a retail company that includes Topshop, Topman, Wallis, Evans, Burton, Miss Selfridge, Dorothy Perkins and Outfit.

  10. Philip Rivers

    Philip Michael Rivers (born December 8, 1981) is an American football quarterback for the Indianapolis Colts of the National Football League (NFL).

  11. Philip Oakey

    Philip Oakey (born 2 October 1955) is an English singer, songwriter and record producer.

  12. Philip Quast

    Philip Mark Quast (born 30 July 1957) is an Australian actor and singer.

  13. Philip Bailey

    Philip James Bailey (born May 8, 1951) is an American R&B, soul, gospel and funk singer, songwriter and percussionist best known as an early member, and one of the two lead singers (along with group founder Maurice White) of the band Earth, Wind & Fire.

  14. Philip Bretherton

    Philip Bretherton (born 30 May 1955) is an English actor best known for his role as Alistair Deacon in the British television series As Time Goes By.

  15. Philip Glenister

    Philip Haywood Glenister (born 10 February 1963) is an English actor, best known for his roles as DCI William Bell in State of Play, DCI Gene Hunt on the BBC series Life on Mars and its sequel Ashes to Ashes, and Reverend Anderson in Outcast.

  16. Philip Sayce

    Philip Sayce is a Welsh-born Canadian guitarist, singer and songwriter, now residing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

  17. Philip Winchester

    Philip C. Winchester (born March 24, 1981) is an American actor.

  18. Philip May

    Philip John May (born 1957) is a British banker and Conservative Party activist.

  19. Philip Billing

    Philip Anyanwu Billing (born 11 June 1996) is a Danish professional footballer who plays as a central midfielder for Premier League club AFC Bournemouth and the Denmark national under-21 team.

  20. Philip Rutnam

    Sir Philip McDougall Rutnam, (born 19 June 1965) is a British former civil servant who was Permanent Secretary at the Home Office from 2017 until his resignation on 29 February 2020.

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Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details

Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7

Baby Name Philip Numerology: Name Philip has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about name Philip

What is the meaning of Philip?
Name Philip means A great person who is the lover of horses as per The ParentZ Baby Name Finder, largest baby names list. Learn more Philip Name Meaning and Origin.
What is the numerology of baby name Philip?
Name Philip has numerology 11 as per The ParentZ.
What is the lucky number of name Philip?
The lucky number of name Philip is 11 as per number numerology.
What is the length of Philip name?
The name Philip has 6 letters. The name Philip consists of 1 word with 6 characters.
Where does the name Philip come from?
Philip is a French, यूनानी (ग्रीक) name given to Boys as per The ParentZ.
What is the origin of the name Philip?
The name Philip is of French, यूनानी (ग्रीक) origin and is used within Judaism communities.
What does Philip mean?
Name Philip means A great person who is the lover of horses as per The ParentZ
What does the name Philip mean?
Philip is of French, यूनानी (ग्रीक) origin and means A great person who is the lover of horses as per The ParentZ
What is the meaning and origin of the baby name Philip?
Philip means A great person who is the lover of horses and is a French, यूनानी (ग्रीक) name given to Boys as per The ParentZ
How can I suggest alternate meaning of the name Philip?
You can use our suggest meaning and origin form to suggest alternate meaning of the name Philip.