What does the name Peyman mean? What is the meaning of the name Peyman?
Meaning of Peyman: Name Peyman in the Persian origin, means One who has made a promise and an oath. Name Peyman is of Persian origin and is a Boy name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Peyman: One who has made a promise and an oath
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Famous people with name Peyman (Namesakes)
- Peyman Faratin
Peyman Faratin (born September 16, 1965) is an Iranian/American computer scientist, and the founder of Robust Links, an Internet company building algorithms for creating and processing a knowledge graph.
- Peyman Soltani
Peyman Soltani (Persian: پیمان سلطانی, Peymân Soltâni; born 17 January 1971 in Iran) is a Persian composer, orchestra conductor, instrumentalist and critic.
- Peyman Ghasem Khani
Peyman Ghasem Khani (Persian: پیمان قاسمخانی, born 20 January 1967) is an Iranian film screenwriter, director and actor.
- Peyman Babaei
Peyman Babaei (Persian: پیمان بابائی, born 14 February 1994) is an Iranian footballer who currently plays for Sumgayit, on loan from Machine Sazi.
- Peyman Keshavarz
Peyman Keshavarz (Persian: پیمان کشاورز, born 3 March 1996 in Shabestar, East Azerbaijan) is an Iranian footballer who plays for Sabail in the Azerbaijan Premier League.
- Peyman Hosseini
Seyed Peyman Hosseini (born 16 February 1984) is an Iranian beach soccer player who plays for Shahriar Sari in the Iran Premier Beach Soccer League.
- Peyman Salmani
Peyman Salmani (born April 18, 1994) is an Iranian Footballer Goalkeeper who currently plays for Zob Ahan.
- Peyman Ranjbari
Peyman Ranjbari (Persian: پيمان رنجبري) is an Iranian footballer who plays for Gol Gohar Sirjan in the Persian Gulf Pro League.
- Peyman Miri
Peyman Miri is an Iranian Football Forward who currently plays for Iranian football club Saipa in the Persian Gulf Pro League.
- Peyman Nasiri Bazanjani
Peyman Nasiri Bazanjani (born 10 June 1980) is a Paralympic athlete from Iran who competes in T20 classification middle-distance running events.
- Peyman Shirzadi
Peyman Shirzadi (Persian: پیمان شیرزادی, born August 25, 1988 in Tehran, Iran) is an Iranian Football defender who most recently played for Iranian football club Foolad in the Persian Gulf Pro League.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 11
Baby Name Peyman Numerology: Name Peyman has a number value of 11 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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