What does the name Petter mean? What is the meaning of the name Petter
Meaning of Petter: Name Petter in the Greek origin, means A person who has a solid personality. Name Petter is of Greek origin and is a Boy name. People with name Petter are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Petter (Namesakes)
- Petter Solberg
Petter Solberg (born 18 November 1974) is a Norwegian former professional rally and rallycross driver.
- Petter (rapper)
Petter Alexis Askergren, (born 25 May 1974), who simply uses his given name Petter as a stage name, is a rap artist from Stockholm, Sweden, rapping in Swedish.
- Petter Rudi
Petter Normann Rudi (born 17 September 1973) is a retired Norwegian footballer.
- Petter Karlsson
Petter Karlsson (born May 31, 1977) is a Swedish multi instrumentalist and singer of Holocoaster and was a member of Swedish symphonic metal band Therion (2004–2008), and member of other several bands: Diablo Swing Orchestra, Snowy Shaw, Kajarr.
- Petter Stordalen
Petter Anker Stordalen (born 29 November 1962) is a Norwegian billionaire businessman, hotel and property developer and self-proclaimed environmentalist.
- Petter Hansson
Petter Hansson (IPA: [ˈpɛ̌tːɛr ˈhɑ̌ːnsɔn]; born 14 December 1976) is a retired Swedish footballer who played his last two seasons in the at AS Monaco.
- Petter Andersson
Petter Andersson (born 20 February 1985) is a retired Swedish footballer who played as a midfielder.
- Petter Furuseth
Petter Furuseth (born 14 August 1978) is a Norwegian former professional footballer who played as a midfielder in the top-flight in Norway, Sweden and Denmark.
- Petter Meyer
Petter Meyer (born 21 February 1985) is a Finnish footballer currently representing GrIFK of the Kakkonen.
- Petter Gustafsson
Petter Gustafsson (born 16 September 1985) is a Swedish retired footballer who played as a defender.
- Petter Rocha
Petter Gonzalo Rocha Lavandeira, known as Petter Rocha or Petter (born January 30, 1984 in Rivera) is an Uruguayan professional football player.
- Petter Pilgaard
Petter Andre Pilgaard (born 20 February 1980) is a Norwegian television celebrity who gained national fame during the first season of the Norwegian version of Paradise Hotel.
- Petter Salsten
Petter Salsten (born 11 March 1965) is a Norwegian ice hockey player, coach and sports official.
- Petter Andersen
Petter Andersen (born 2 January 1974) is a Norwegian speed skater.
- Petter Bragée
Björn Petter Bragée (born 10 September 1968) is a Swedish film director, film producer and screenwriter, well known as director for the Vintergatan series.
- Petter Strand
Petter Strand (born 24 August 1994) is a Norwegian footballer who plays as a midfielder for Brann.
- Petter Eldh
Frans Petter Eldh (born 19 September 1983 in Gothenburg) is a Swedish jazz bass player and composer, who predominantly has worked first in Denmark, and since 2009 he has lived in Berlin.
- Petter Øverby
Petter Øverby (born 26 March 1992) is a Norwegian handball player for HC Erlangen and the Norwegian national team.
He competed at the 2016 European Men's Handball Championship.
- Petter Planke
Petter Planke (born 7 March 1937) is a Norwegian businessperson, known for the foundation of Tomra.
- Petter Wærness
Petter Wærness (born 23 April 1947) is a Norwegian rower.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Petter Numerology: Name Petter has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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