What does the name Petra mean? What is the meaning of the name Petra
Meaning of Petra: Name Petra in the Greek origin, means A feminine form of Peter; a stone or rock. Name Petra is of Greek origin and is a Girl name. People with name Petra are usually Judaism by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Petra: A feminine form of Peter; a stone or rock
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Famous people with name Petra (Namesakes)
- Yahya Petra of Kelantan
- Petra Němcová
Petra Němcová (Czech pronunciation: [ˈpɛtra ˈɲɛmtsovaː]; born 24 June 1979) is a Czech model, television host and philanthropist who founded the Happy Hearts Fund.
- Petra Haden
Petra Haden (born October 11, 1971) is an American musician and singer.
- Petra Marklund
Petra Linnea Paula Marklund (Swedish pronunciation: [ˈpêːtra ˈmârklɵnd]; born 12 September 1984), known also by her previous stage name, September, is a Swedish singer, songwriter, and television presenter.
- Petra Hammesfahr
Petra Hammesfahr (born 10 May 1951) is a German crime writer.
- Petra Kvitová
Petra Kvitová (Czech pronunciation: [ˈpɛtra ˈkvɪtovaː]; born 8 March 1990) is a Czech professional tennis player.
- Kim Petras
Kim Petras (born 27 August 1992) is a German singer and songwriter currently based in Los Angeles.
- Petra Mede
Petra Maria Mede (born 7 March 1970) is a Swedish comedian, dancer, actress and television presenter.
- Petra Ecclestone
Petra Ecclestone (born 19 December 1988) is a British-born heiress, model, fashion designer and socialite.
- Tengku Muhammad Faiz Petra
Tengku Muhammad Fa-iz Petra ibni Almarhum Sultan Ismail Petra (born 20 January 1974) is the current Tengku Mahkota (Crown Prince) of Kelantan.
- Petra Gerster
Petra Gerster [ˈpʰeːtʁaˈgɛᵊstɐ] (born 25 January 1955) is a German journalist and news presenter.
- Petra Špalková
Petra Špalková (born 21 February 1975 in Brno) is a Czech actress.
- Petra Costa
Ana Petra Andrade Costa (born July 8, 1983) is a Brazilian actress and filmmaker whose work lives on the borderlines of fiction and nonfiction.
- Petra Collins
Petra Collins (born December 21, 1992) is a Canadian artist, photographer, fashion model and director who rose to prominence in the early 2010s.
- Petra Vlhová
Petra Vlhová (born 13 June 1995) is a Slovak World Cup alpine ski racer who specialises in the technical events of slalom and giant slalom.
- Petra Hřebíčková
Petra Hřebíčková (born 20 September 1979) is a Czech stage and film actress.
- Petra Papp
Petra Papp (Hungarian: Papp Petra; born 22 August 1993) is a Hungarian chess player who holds the title of Woman grandmaster (WGM, 2012).
- Petra Volpe
Petra Biondina Volpe (born 6 August 1970) is a Swiss screenwriter and film director.
- Petra Bockle
Petra Yolanda Sonia Bockle (born 14 May 1995) known professionally as Petra, is a rapper, songwriter and singer of Kenyan and Seychellois descent.
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Chitra Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Petra Numerology: Name Petra has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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