What does the name Pertti mean? What is the meaning of the name Pertti
Meaning of Pertti: Name Pertti in the German, Finnish origin, means Short form of Roopertti; A variant form of Alpertti which is diminutive of Adalbert meaning Bright Noble. Name Pertti is of German, Finnish origin and is a Boy name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Pertti: Short form of Roopertti; A variant form of Alpertti which is diminutive of Adalbert meaning Bright Noble
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Famous people with name Pertti (Namesakes)
- Pertti Teurajärvi
Pertti Teurajärvi (born 20 February 1951, in Kolari) is a Finnish former cross-country skier who competed in the late 1970s and early 1980s.
- Pertti Lehikoinen
Pertti Lehikoinen (born March 19, 1952 in Helsinki, Finland) is a Finnish grandmaster of correspondence chess.
- Pertti Lundell
Pertti "Lunkka" Lundell (born 12 August 1952) is a Finnish football manager.
- Pertti Jarla
Pertti Jarla (born 25 August 1971 in Nastola, Finland) is a Finnish comics artist most famous for his humorous Fingerpori comic strip.
- Pertti Mattila
Pertti Mattila (born 28 March 1948) is a Finnish mathematician working in geometric measure theory, complex analysis and harmonic analysis.
- Pertti Kurikan Nimipäivät
Pertti Kurikan Nimipäivät (PKN, [pertːi kurikːɑn nimipæi̯væt], Finnish for '"Pertti Kurikka's name days"') were a Finnish punk rock band, formed in 2009 in a charity workshop for adults with developmental disabilities.
- Pertti Jantunen
Pertti Jantunen, born 25 June 1952, is a Finnish football manager and a former footballer.
- Pertti Tiainen
Pertti Tiainen (born 15 November 1954) is a Finnish long-distance runner.
- Pertti Ålander
Pertti Ålander (born 12 December 1936) is a Finnish middle-distance runner.
- Pertti Pousi
Pertti Pousi (born 24 June 1946) is a Finnish athlete.
- Pertti Laanti
Pertti Laanti (born 24 April 1939) is a Finnish basketball player.
- Pertti Ahokas
Pertti Ahokas (born August 5, 1947) is a Finnish former professional ice hockey defenceman.
- Pertti Torikka
Pertti Torikka (born 11 September 1954) is a Swedish weightlifter.
- Pertti Karppinen
Do you know any famous people named Pertti, let us know and we would update the information.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Pertti Numerology: Name Pertti has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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