What does the name Peretz mean? What is the meaning of the name Peretz?
Meaning of Peretz: Name Peretz in the Hebrew, Jewish origin, means Burst forth. Name Peretz is of Hebrew, Jewish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Peretz are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Peretz (Namesakes)
- Rafi Peretz
Rafael "Rafi" Peretz (Hebrew: רַפַאֶל "רָפִי" פֶּרֶץ; born 7 January 1956) is an Israeli Orthodox rabbi and politician.
- Marty Peretz
Martin H. "Marty" Peretz (; born December 6, 1938) is an American publisher.
- Amir Peretz
Amir Peretz (Hebrew: עָמִיר פֶּרֶץ; born on 9 March 1952) is an Israeli politician who currently serves as leader of the Labor Party, and as a member of the Knesset for the party.
- Avi Peretz (footballer)
Avi Peretz (born September 2, 1971) is a retired Israeli football player who last worked as a goalkeeping coach in Hapoel Haifa.
- Jesse Peretz
Jesse W. Peretz (born May 19, 1968) is an American film and television director, TV producer and former musician.
- Kobi Peretz
Kobi Peretz (Hebrew: קובי פרץ; born October 28, 1975), is an Israeli singer who sings in the Mizrahi style.
- Moshe Peretz
Moshe Peretz (Hebrew: משה פרץ; born 10 May 1983) is an Israeli "Mizrahi" pop singer-songwriter and composer.
- Avi Peretz (singer)
Avi Peretz (in Hebrew אבי פרץ) sometimes transliterated Avi Perez (born on 9 December 1966) is an Israeli singer of Jewish Mizrahi music (in Hebrew מוזיקה מזרחית i.e., Muziqa mizrahit, meaning Oriental music).
- Reef Peretz
Reef Peretz (Hebrew: ריף פרץ; born February 25, 1991) is an Israeli footballer who plays as a Center Back for Israeli football club Shimshon Tel Aviv.
- Oz Peretz
Oz Peretz (Hebrew: עוז פרץ; born 19 April 1994) is an Israeli footballer who currently plays at Hapoel Petah Tikva.
- Miriam Ben-Peretz
Miriam Ben-Peretz (born April 1, 1927) is an Israeli academician specializing in education.
- Dor Peretz
Dor Peretz (Hebrew: דור פרץ; born 17 May 1995), is an Israeli footballer who plays as a midfielder for Israeli football club Maccabi Tel Aviv.
- Karin Peretz
Karin Peretz (born 7 October 1990) is an Israeli football Forward, currently playing in the Israeli First League for Maccabi Be'er Sheva.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Peretz Numerology: Name Peretz has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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