What does the name Pejman mean? What is the meaning of the name Pejman
Meaning of Pejman: Name Pejman in the Persian origin, means Desire; Wish; Broken-hearted; Sad; An Islamic surname; A variant of name Pezhman. Name Pejman is of Persian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Pejman are usually Zoroastrianism by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Pejman: Desire; Wish; Broken-hearted; Sad; An Islamic surname; A variant of name Pezhman
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Famous people with name Pejman (Namesakes)
- Pejman Nouri
Pejman Nouri (Persian: پژمان نوری; born July 13, 1980 in Rezvanshahr, Iran) is a retired Iranian football player, who played and captains for Azadegan League side Khooneh Be Khooneh in the midfield position.
- Ahmad Pejman
Ahmad Pejman (Persian: احمد پژمان ; born 1935), also spelled as Ahmad Pezhman, is an Iranian classical composer who resides in the United States.
- Pejman Bazeghi
Pejman Bazeghi (Persian: پژمان بازغی; also Romanized as Pezhmān Bāzeghi; born August 10, 1974 in Tehran) is an Iranian actor.
- Pejman Montazeri
- Pejman Jamshidi
Pejman Jamshidi (Persian: پژمان جمشیدی, born September 11, 1977) is a former Iranian footballer and Iranian actor who in 2013 starred in an Iranian TV Show called "Pejman", which tells a bizarre comedic story of Jamshidi's current life, in which he is on the lookout for a new team.
- Pejman Khoubiari
javad Khoubiari' (Persian: جواد خوبیاری, born January 5, 1989) is an Iranian footballer who currently plays .
- Pejman Dorostkar
Pejman Dorostkar (Persian: پژمان درستکار, born 18 August 1976 in Tehran) is an Iranian wrestler.
- Pejman Poshtam
Pejman Poshtam (Persian: پژمان پشتام, born 11 January 1994) is an Iranian Greco-Roman wrestler.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Pejman Numerology: Name Pejman has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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