What does the name Pearson mean? What is the meaning of the name Pearson?
Meaning of Pearson: Name Pearson in the English origin, means Son of Peter; Rock; Stone; Son of Pierce. Name Pearson is of English origin and is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Pearson (Namesakes)
- Neil Pearson
Neil Joshua Pearson (born 27 April 1959) is a British actor, known for his work on television.
- Malcolm Pearson, Baron Pearson of Rannoch
Malcolm Everard MacLaren Pearson, Baron Pearson of Rannoch (born 20 July 1942) is a British businessman and former leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP).
- Stuart Pearson
Stuart James Pearson (born 21 June 1949) is an English former footballer.
- Stephen Pearson
Stephen Paul Pearson (born 2 October 1982) is a Scottish former footballer who played as a midfielder.
- Stedman Pearson
Stedman Pearson (born 29 June 1964) is an English singer and dancer, most notable for being a member of the pop group Five Star with his four siblings.
- Carlton Pearson
Carlton D'metrius Pearson (born March 19, 1953) is an American Christian minister.
- Doris Pearson
Doris Pearson (born Doris May Pearson, 8 June 1966 in Brent, London, England) is an English singer and ex member of the pop group, Five Star.
- Delroy Pearson
Delroy Pearson (born 11 April 1970, Islington, London) is an English singer and a member of the pop group Five Star.
- Nigel Pearson
Nigel Graham Pearson (born 21 August 1963) is an English football manager and former professional player.
- Sally Pearson
Sally Pearson, OAM (née McLellan; born 19 September 1986) is a retired Australian athlete.
- Jan Pearson
Jan Pearson (born 12 April 1959) is an English actress, known for her roles as Kath Fox in the BBC medical drama Holby City and Karen Hollins in the BBC soap opera Doctors, which she joined in February 2009.
- Felicia Pearson
Felicia Pearson (born May 18, 1980) is an American actress, rapper and author.
- April Pearson
April Janet Pearson (born 23 January 1989) is an English actress, best known for her role as Michelle Richardson in the E4 teen drama series Skins.
- Ron Pearson
Ronald Samuel Pearson (born September 14, 1968 in Bellevue, Washington) is an American comedian.
- Ross Pearson
Ross Pearson (born 26 September 1984) is an English mixed martial artist.
- Malachi Pearson
Malachi Pearson (born June 12, 1981, in San Luis Obispo County, California, United States) is an American actor.
- Luke Pearson
Luke Pearson (born 12 October 1987) is a British cartoonist who is best known for the Hilda series of comics for Nobrow Press, and Hilda, the Netflix series based on the comics.
- Tilian Pearson
Tilian Pearson (born July 12, 1987), also known mononymously as Tilian, is an American singer, songwriter, musician and record producer born in Clearwater, Florida.
- Adam Pearson (actor)
Adam Pearson (born 6 January 1985) is a British actor, presenter and campaigner.
- Nate Pearson
Nathan Alexander Pearson (born August 20, 1996) is an American professional baseball pitcher in the Toronto Blue Jays organization.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Pearson Numerology: Name Pearson has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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